This module provides a composable and a bunch of validation rules to deal with forms.
npm i nuxt-reactive-form
<script lang="ts" setup>
// Import validation rules by destructuring ReactiveFormValidationRules
const {
} = ReactiveFormValidationRules
// Or you can create yours
const onlyThisOrThat = (params?: { message?: string }) => {
return ({ value, state }) => {
return value === 'This' || value === 'That' || params?.message;
// Instantiate reactive form from an object
const form = useReactiveForm({
// Init with a single value
// [key: string]: any|Ref<any>
// No validation or custom resetting. By default, reset to the initial value
firstname: 'John',
// Or init with an object:
// [key: string]: {
// value: any|Ref<any>,
// reset?: any|Ref<any>, if omitted, the value will be reset to the initial value,
// validation?: TValidationRule[], an array of validation rules imported/created above. If omitted, no validation
// }
lastname: {
value: 'Doe',
reset: 'Something else',
validation: [
required(), // Some rules don't need any param. A default error message will be displayed if rule is not verified
minLength({ message: 'This field must contain at least {min} characters', min: 3 }), // You can use placeholders matching other params keys in your message
onlyThisOrThat({ message: 'This field must contain the values "This" or "That"' }) // Or use your own rules
// Destructure the instance of reactive form.
// See "useReactiveForm return values" below for more informations
const {
} = form;
const submit = () => {
if(formIsValid()) {
console.log('Form is valid! :D');
console.log('Form is invalid... :(');
<h1>Testing ReactiveForm</h1>
<template v-if="getError('firstname')">
style="color: red"
v-for="(error, index) in getError('firstname')"
>{{ error }}</p>
<template v-if="getError('lastname')">
style="color: red"
v-for="(error, index) in getError('lastname')"
>{{ error }}</p>
<button @click.prevent="submit()">Submit</button>
<button @click.prevent="resetForm()">Reset</button>
An instance of useReactiveForm
returns the following values.
The current state of form values. It can be used by example in v-model
The collection of error messages depending on the validation rules.
A method that allows to reset form to initial values or reset values if specified in initialization object.
A method that allows to validate a specific form value. It can be used by example in events:
A method that allows to validate all form values.
A method that returns true or false whether all form values are valid or not,
after validating form by running validateForm()
whether validate
is set to true
or false
by default).
A method that returns all error messages for a specific value, or false
if there isn't any.
It can be used by example like this:
<template v-if="getError('lastname')">
style="color: red"
v-for="(error, index) in getError('lastname')"
>{{ error }}</p>
A computed returning true
or false
whether any form value has changed or not.