This library is a custom version of the Annotorious library (currently deprecated / dead). Show the new Annotorious library.
Annotorious is an Open Source image annotation toolkit written in JavaScript. It allows you to add drawing, commenting and labeling capabilities to your web page images with a few lines of code.
Are you looking for toolkit written in jQuery to annotate an image by dragging and dropping annotations? Check out this project.
Instructions on getting started using Original Annotorious library on the Wiki. Instructions on using it as a plugin to the Annotator Web annotation system are here.
- Unzip the contents of the package on your server
- Link the Annotorious CSS file into the <head> of your Web pages
- Link the Annotorious JavaScript file into the <head> of your Web pages
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/annotorious.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="annotorious.min.js"></script>
Once you have linked Annotorious into your Web page, you need to tell it which images should be annotatable. There are two ways you can do this:
Option 1. Add a CSS class called annotatable
to the image. This is the easiest way to add annotation functionality, and I'd always recommend using this approach unless your page loads images dynamically via JavaScript, after the page has loaded.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/annotorious.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="annotorious.min.js"></script>
<img src="example.jpg" class="annotatable" />
Option 2: Annotation-enable your images via JavaScript API, using anno.makeAnnotatable(img);
You can use
this approach if your page loads images dynamically via JavaScript.
Annotorious provides a JavaScript API you can use to get, add or remove annotations, and hook into the Annotorious event lifecycle. All functionality is exposed via the global anno object. The anno object has the following methods
Show for more details
- Mask: Added the ability to insert an image inside a annotation with shapes rect.
- ColorMode: Added the ability to draw custom shape without make an annotation. The drawn pixels coordinate are returned when the mouse is released.
- SelectEditor: Added the ability to use a select inside the editor. (Dropdown menu)
- CursorAxes: Added the ability to show cursor axes inside the image.
- ArrowMode: Added the ability to annotate with draw arrow shape. (Arrow selector)
- Fancy Box: Added 'Fancy Box Selector' plugin integration.
- ExtraFields: Added the ability to add many fields to the annotation GUI widget from properties.
- IntersectedAnnotations: Added the ability to retrieves all annotations that intersect the centroid of an annotation.
- Added the ability to reload the annotations.
- Added the
event - fired when the mouse enters an annotatable item. - Added an old annotation text inside the event
, when editing the annotation. - Added the ability to insert more new annotation to an item on the page.
- Added attributes in to the "annotation" variable.
- Added more properties for editing style and functionality on runtime.
- Added the ability to set the measurement units used for the output geometry ['pixel', 'fraction'].
- Added the ability to custom the editor.
- Added the ability to move the annotations. The
event - fired when the annotation was moved. - Added the ability to rotate the annotations. The
event - fired when the annotation was rotated. - Fixed bug:
- resizing the image: now the annotations are resized with the image. (The image must have the
class). - add new annotation: if the new annotation forms are exactly the same as the other annotation forms, the new annotation is not inserted.
- measurement units 'pixel': now the measurement units 'pixel' are relative to the original image size. This because the image is responsive and the annotation has need of reference measurement units.
- resizing the image: now the annotations are resized with the image. (The image must have the
Ability to insert an image inside a annotation with shapes rect.
set Mask on annotation variable
shapes: [{ type: 'rect', geometry: { x: 0.2, y: 0.2, width: 0.50, height: 0.5 }, mask: "", style: { //style [OPTIONAL] maskTransparency: 0.8, //transparency for annotation mask [0-1] [OPTIONAL] maskBorder: true //if false, not show the mask border [OPTIONAL] } }]
set Mask dynamically - setMask(mask, shapeIdx, transparency, border);
- mask: the URL of the mask
- shapeIdx: index of shapes (default: 0)
- transparency transparency of mask [0-1](default: 0.8)
- border flag indicating whether the mask border is shown (default: true)
anno.addHandler('onAnnotationCreated', function (annotation) { annotation.setMask(""); anno.reload(); });
Ability to draw custom shape without make an annotation. The last drawn pixels coordinate are returned when the mouse is released on onDrawnPixels
anno.setColorMode(*enabled*, *insideAnno*, *mode*, *color*, *strokeWidth*);
Modalities of save the drawn pixels:
permanent: pixels are saved until
. -
active: pixels are saved as long as ColorMode is enabled.
release: the pixels are not saved, they are deleted when the mouse is released.
set ColorMode in the properties
anno.setProperties({ colorMode: { /* DEFAULT VALUES */ enabled: false, //if true, enable the colorMode insideAnno: false, //if true, is possible draw only inside the annotations [OPTIONAL] mode: "active", // mode of save the drawn pixels ["permanent", "active", "release"] [OPTIONAL] color: "#2ECC71", //color of pixels [OPTIONAL] strokeWidth: 2, //stroke width of pixels [1-12] [OPTIONAL] } });
set ColorMode using the function
// ENABLE - insideAnno, mode, color and strokeWidth are OPTIONAL anno.setColorMode(true, true, 'release', '#E74C3C', 1); // DISABLE anno.setColorMode(false);
Get drawn pixels
anno.addHandler('onDrawnPixels', function (event) { console.log(event); event.drawnPixels; //array of last drawn pixels {x, y} event.annotation; //the annotation on which it was drawn inside (only if the 'insideAnno' property is enabled) });
Ability to use a select, with custom options, inside the editor. (Dropdown menu)
anno.useSelectEditor(*enabled*, *options*, *emptyOption*, *customLabel*);
define custom options
var selectOptions = [ { id: 1, //the annotation text id [OPTIONAL] value: 'My annotation' //the annotation text }, ];
set SelectEditor in the properties
anno.setProperties({ selectEditor: { /* DEFAULT VALUES */ enabled: false, //if true, enable the select editor options: undefined, //the options of select, use format of 'selectOptions' variable emptyOption: false, //if true, enable the empty select option [OPTIONAL] customLabel: "<--- Select one option --->" //the custom first label if not use empty options [OPTIONAL] } });
set SelectEditor using the function
// ENABLE - emptyOption and customLabel are OPTIONAL anno.useSelectEditor(true, selectOptions, false, "Select one"); // DISABLE anno.useSelectEditor(false);
Ability to show cursor axes inside the image.
anno.showCursorAxes(*enabled*, *dash*, *color*, *strokeWidth*);
set CursorAxes in the properties
anno.setProperties({ cursorAxes: { /* DEFAULT VALUES */ enabled: false, //if true, enable the cursor axes dash: false, //if true, draw dashed stroke [OPTIONAL] color: "#ffffff", //color of cursor axes [OPTIONAL] strokeWidth: 2 //stroke width of axes [1-12] [OPTIONAL] } });
set CursorAxes using the function
// ENABLE - dash, color and strokeWidth are OPTIONAL anno.showCursorAxes(true, true, '#E74C3C', 2); // DISABLE anno.showCursorAxes(false);
Ability to annotate with draw arrow shape. (Arrow selector)
set ArrowMode in the properties
anno.setProperties({ /* DEFAULT VALUES */ arrowMode: false, //if true, enable the arrowMode shapeStyle: { // set style arrowStroke: '#ffffff', // stroke color for arrow shape arrowStrokeWidth: 2, // stroke width for arrow shape [1-12] hiArrowStroke: '#fff000', // stroke color for arrow shape hiArrowStrokeWidth: 2.2 //stroke width for arrow shape [1-12] highlightTail: undefined, //color to highlight the tail of the arrow shape (draw a circle on the tail) [es "rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.7)"] hiTailRadius: 5, // arrow tail highlight radius highlightHead: undefined, //color to highlight the head of the arrow shape (draw a circle on the head) [es "rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.7)"] hiHeadRadius: 5 // arrow head highlight radius } });
set ArrowMode using the function
// ENABLE anno.setArrowMode(true); // DISABLE anno.setArrowMode(false);
set arrow shape on annotation variable
shapes: [{ type: 'arrow', geometry: { //the shape geometry (relative coordinates) [you can also use the coordinates in pixels] arrowTail: { x: 0.20 y: 0.74 }, // coordinate of arrow tail arrowHead: { x: 0.77 y: 0.66 } // coordinate of arrowhead }, style: { //style [OPTIONAL] arrowStroke: '#ffffff', // stroke color for arrow shape arrowStrokeWidth: 2, // stroke width for arrow shape [1-12] hiArrowStroke: '#fff000', // stroke color for arrow shape hiArrowStrokeWidth: 2.2 //stroke width for arrow shape [1-12] highlightTail: undefined, //color to highlight the tail of the arrow shape (draw a circle on the tail) [es "rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.7)"] hiTailRadius: 5, // arrow tail highlight radius highlightHead: undefined, //color to highlight the head of the arrow shape (draw a circle on the head) [es "rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.7)"] hiHeadRadius: 5 // arrow head highlight radius } }]
Added 'Fancy Box Selector' plugin integration.
set Fancy Box in the properties
anno.setProperties({ /* DEFAULT VALUES */ fancyBox: false, //if true, enable the Fancy Box Selector });
set Fancy Box using the function
// ENABLE anno.useFancyBox(true); // DISABLE anno.useFancyBox(false);
Ability to add many fields to the annotation GUI widget from properties. A field can be either an (HTML) string, or a function that takes an Annotation as argument and returns an (HTML) string or a DOM element.
set ExtraFields for editor GUI widget
anno.setProperties({ editor: { extraFields: [ "<div id='myId' class='myClass'> MyExtraField </div>", //a field (HTML) string ] } });
set ExtraFields for popup GUI widget
anno.setProperties({ popup: { extraFields: [ "<div id='myId' class='myClass'> MyExtraField </div>", //a field (HTML) string ] } });
Ability to retrieves all annotations that intersect the centroid of an annotation.
anno.getIntersectedAnnotations(*annotation*, *shapeType*);
Function parameters:
- annotation: an annotation. The centroid is calculated from the shapes[0] of this variable.
- shapeType: if you want to filter the results by shape type; Default
, possible values: ['rect', 'point', 'arrow', 'polygon']
The function return an array of the intersect annotations sorted by size, smallest first.
Example of use:
anno.addHandler('onAnnotationCreated', function (annotation, item) {
var intersectedAnnotations = anno.getIntersectedAnnotations(annotation);
var intersectedFilteredAnnotations = anno.getIntersectedAnnotations(annotation, 'rect');
console.log(intersectedAnnotations, intersectedFilteredAnnotations);
Ability to reload the annotations, the image must have the annotatable
If you want to reload the annotations and remove the properties use: anno.reload(true);
Added the
event, fired when the mouse enters an annotatable item. Return the cursor coordinates and bounding box coordinates [measurement units are 'pixels' relative to the original image size]anno.addHandler('onMouseMoveOverItem', function (pixels, event) { console.log(pixels); // {cursor: { x, y }, box: { x, y, width, height }} });
Added an old annotation text inside the event
, when editing the annotation.anno.addHandler('onAnnotationUpdated', function (annotation, old_value) { console.log(old_value); // {text: "My annotation", textId: "1"} });
Added the
event, fired when the annotation was moved. Return the annotation moved.anno.addHandler('onAnnotationMoved', function (annotation) { console.log(annotation); });
Added the
event, fired when the annotation was rotated. Return the annotation rotated.anno.addHandler('onAnnotationRotated', function (annotation) { console.log(annotation); });
Added the ability to insert more new annotation to an item on the page. The function accepts an array of annotations.
anno.addAnnotations([myannotation, myannotation1]);
Added attributes to the "annotation" variable [OPTIONAL - if you create this variable]
var myAnnotation = {
id: undefined, //id assignable to annotation
src : '', //the URL of the image where the annotation should go
context: '', //source URL of the HTML document containing the annotated object [OPTIONAL]
text : 'My annotation', //the annotation text
textId : 1, //the annotation text id [OPTIONAL]
editable: true, //if false, there will be no delete icon in the annotation popup. Make annotation 'read-only' [OPTIONAL]
movable: true, //if false, there will be no move icon in the annotation popup. Make annotation not movable [OPTIONAL]
rotable: true, //if false, there will be no rotate icon in the annotation popup. Make annotation not rotable [OPTIONAL]
created_at: 1579909408935, //the timestamp of annotation creation [OPTIONAL]
shapes : [{ //the annotation shape
type : 'rect', //the shape type ['rect', 'point', 'arrow', 'polygon'] for enable 'polygon' shape show the official page
mask : '', //the URL of the mask - only if type is 'rect' [OPTIONAL]
geometry : { //the shape geometry (relative coordinates)
x : 0.1,
y: 0.1,
width : 0.4,
height: 0.3,
rotation: 0 // Rotation of the annotation with respect to the x-axis (degrees). [OPTIONAL - default is 0]
//geometry : { x : 10, y: 10, width : 40, height: 60 } //the shape geometry (pixel coordinates relative to the original image size)
units: 'fraction', //measurement units used for the geometry ['pixel', 'fraction'] [OPTIONAL - only required for pixel coordinates]
style: { //the shape style, override the shapeStyle properties for this annotation [OPTIONAL]
outline: '#000000', //outline color for annotation and selection shapes [OPTIONAL]
outlineWidth: 1, //outline width for annotation and selection shapes [1-12] [OPTIONAL]
hiOutline: '#000000', // outline color for highlighted annotation shapes [OPTIONAL]
hiOutlineWidth: 1, // outline width for highlighted annotation shapes [1-12] [OPTIONAL]
stroke: '#ffffff', // stroke color for annotation and selection shapes [OPTIONAL]
strokeWidth: 1, // stroke width for annotation and selection shapes [1-12] [OPTIONAL]
hiStroke: '#fff000', // stroke color for highlighted annotation shapes [OPTIONAL]
hiStrokeWidth: 1.2, //stroke width for highlighted annotation shapes [1-12] [OPTIONAL]
fill: undefined, //fill color for annotation and selection shapes [OPTIONAL]
hiFill: undefined, //fill color for highlighted annotation shapes [OPTIONAL]
maskTransparency: 0.8, //transparency for annotation mask [0-1] [OPTIONAL]
maskBorder: true, //if false, not show the mask border [OPTIONAL]
arrowStroke: '#ffffff', // stroke color for arrow shape [OPTIONAL]
arrowStrokeWidth: 2, // stroke width for arrow shape [1-12] [OPTIONAL]
hiArrowStroke: '#fff000', // stroke color for arrow shape [OPTIONAL]
hiArrowStrokeWidth: 2.2 //stroke width for arrow shape [1-12] [OPTIONAL]
highlightTail: undefined, //color to highlight the tail of the arrow shape (draw a circle on the tail) [OPTIONAL]
hiTailRadius: 5, // arrow tail highlight radius [OPTIONAL]
highlightHead: undefined, //color to highlight the head of the arrow shape (draw a circle on the head) [OPTIONAL]
hiHeadRadius: 5 // arrow head highlight radius [OPTIONAL]
setMask(mask, shapeIdx, transparency, border) //function to set mask dinamically on the shape
Added more properties for editing style and functionality on runtime.
- All properties are OPTIONAL and they merge with the existing.
- If you set the property such as
or empty object (for the objects), then set the default value. - The properties are removed if the
function is called or theanno.reload(true);
function is called, retained if theanno.reload();
function is called.
displayMessage: "Click and Drag to Annotate", //the message to display as hint
hideSelectionWidget: false, //if true, disables the selection widget on all
hideAnnotations: false, //if true, hides existing annotations on all
outputUnits: 'fraction', //measurement units used for the output geometry ['pixel', 'fraction'] [pixels are relative to the original image size]
drawInsideRectAnno: false, //if true, new annotations can only be made within annotations with 'rect' shape
colorMode: {
enabled: false, //if true, enable the colorMode
insideAnno: false, //if true, is possible draw only inside the annotations
mode: "active", // mode of save the drawn pixels ["permanent", "active", "release"]
color: "#2ECC71", //color of pixels
strokeWidth: 2, //stroke width of pixels [1-12]
selectEditor: {
enabled: false, //if true, enable the select editor
options: undefined, //the options of select, use format of 'selectOptions' variable [only required if is enabled]
emptyOption: false, //if true, enable the empty select option
customLabel: "<--- Select one option --->" //the custom first label if not use empty options
cursorAxes: {
enabled: false, //if true, enable the cursor axes
dash: false, //if true, draw dashed stroke
color: "#ffffff", //color of cursor axes
strokeWidth: 2 //stroke width of axes [1-12]
arrowMode: false, //if true, enable the arrowMode
fancyBox: false, //if true, enable the Fancy Box Selector
editor: { //properties for editor GUI widget
enterText: true, //if false, not show the textarea or select for enter text
saveReadOnly: false, // if true, the new annotation is 'read-only' (the users can't delete or edit the new annotation - does not apply to edited annotations)
textarea: {
placeholder: "Add a Comment...", //placeholder of textarea
className: "annotorious-editor-text" //class of textarea
buttons: {
save: {
text: "Save", //text of save button
className: "annotorious-editor-button annotorious-editor-button-save" //class of save button
abort: {
text: "Cancel", //text of abort button
className: "annotorious-editor-button annotorious-editor-button-cancel" //class of abort button
extraFields: undefined //add many fields to the annotation editor GUI widget. Show 'ExtraFields' section for more details
popup: { //properties for popup GUI widget
extraFields: undefined, //add many fields to the annotation popup GUI widget. Show 'ExtraFields' section for more
showMoveButton: true, //if false, not show the move button
showRotateButton: true //if false, not show the rotate button
shapeStyle: { //global style
outline: '#000000', //outline color for annotation and selection shapes
outlineWidth: 1, //outline width for annotation and selection shapes [1-12]
hiOutline: '#000000', // outline color for highlighted annotation shapes
hiOutlineWidth: 1, // outline width for highlighted annotation shapes [1-12]
stroke: '#ffffff', // stroke color for annotation and selection shapes
strokeWidth: 1, // stroke width for annotation and selection shapes [1-12]
hiStroke: '#fff000', // stroke color for highlighted annotation shapes
hiStrokeWidth: 1.2, //stroke width for highlighted annotation shapes [1-12]
fill: undefined, //fill color for annotation and selection shapes
hiFill: undefined, //fill color for highlighted annotation shapes
maskTransparency: 0.8, //transparency for annotation mask [0-1]
maskBorder: true, //if false, not show the mask border
arrowStroke: '#ffffff', // stroke color for arrow shape
arrowStrokeWidth: 2, // stroke width for arrow shape [1-12]
hiArrowStroke: '#fff000', // stroke color for arrow shape
hiArrowStrokeWidth: 2.2 //stroke width for arrow shape [1-12]
highlightTail: undefined, //you can set a color to highlight the tail of the arrow shape (draw a circle on the tail)
hiTailRadius: 5, // arrow tail highlight radius
highlightHead: undefined, //you can set a color to highlight the head of the arrow shape (draw a circle on the head)
hiHeadRadius: 5 // arrow head highlight radius
Run java -jar plovr/plovr.jar serve standalone.json
command on root directory project
Open test\image\index.html
Run java -jar plovr/plovr.jar build standalone.json > annotorious.min.js
command on root directory of project, then the file annotorious.min.js will be generated.
Annotorious is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. In short: Annotorious is delivered 'as is', and you can feel free to use it wherever or however you want. Needless to say: if you fix a bug, or add a cool feature, be sure to give back to the community.