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Suite of sampling-based algorithms for approximating the temporal betweenness centrality

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Repository associated to the paper "MANTRA: Temporal Betweenness Centrality Approximation through Sampling".

Network file format

The input file must be a temporal edge list, one line for each temporal edge (a temporal edge is a triple (u,v,t), where u and v are two vertices and t is one time in which the edge from u to v is available). All the graph are considered directed (if a graph is undirected it must have both temporal edges (u,v,t) and (v,u,t)). Nodes can be identified by any string (not necessarily a number), while time instants must be integer valued. The three elements of a temporal edge can be separated by any string, which can be specified while using the load_temporal_graph function (see below). In the following, we assume that this string is just a white-space.

The file can include duplicate lines and self-loops, however the tool will ignore them. In case your file contains duplicate lines or self-loops lines and you want to manually remove them, you can first execute the following bash command.

awk '($1!=$2)' <in_file_name> | sort | uniq > <out_file_name>.txt

You can then use the newly generated file as input to the tool.

Note on multi-threading

In order to properly run the multi-threading implementations of our approaches you need to set the number of threads that you desire to use with:

 julia --threads 16

where the number indicates the number of thread to use, for more information we refer to the official documentation: Starting Julia with multiple threads

How to reproduce the experiments in the paper

To reproduce all the experiment you need to:

(i) Compute the exact temporal betweenness values running the command julia --threads <nthreads> compute_exact_temporal_bc.jl

(ii) Compute MANTRA's approximation, running julia --threads <nthreads> compute_mantra.jl

(iii) Compute ONBRAS's approximation, running julia --threads <nthreads> compute_onbra.jl

where <nthreads> is the number of assigned threads. All the results will be automatically saved in the scores and times folders.

Finally, to summarize the results run julia analyze_results.jl, this command will create a new folder called analysis with all the results showed in the paper.

How to use MANTRA to analyze temporal graphs

Here we describe how to run MANTRA on a general input temporal graph.

MANTRA parameters

The algorithm has the following input parameters:

(-) Temporal Graph (temporal_graph)

(-) The absolute approximation precision epsilon (Float64)

(-) The confidence value delta (Float64)

(-) Whether the BigInt data type must be used (Bool)

(-) The estimator that must be used (String - options: 1- ob:ONBRA estimator, 2-trk (default) TRK estimator, 3-rtb random temporal betweenness estimator)

(-) The temporal path optimality that must be considered while computing the temporal betweenness (String - options: 1- sh (default) Shortest, 2- sfm Shortest-foremost, 3- pfm Prefix-foremost)

(-) Whether to use the VC-Upperbound or the Variance Upperbound (Bool , False default, i.e., Variance Upperbound is used as default)

(-) The geometric sampler value (Float64, default 1.2)

(-) Diameter of the analyzed input graph (Int64, -1 as defalut value. If the value is set to -1 the algorithm approximates the diameter using the fast-sampling method described in our paper)

Example on how to run MANTRA

Open Julia Repl in the main folder (where all the .jl scripts are) using the command

julia --threads <number of threads>

Next, include MANTRA


Load the temporal graph that must be analyzed

tg = load_temporal_graph("graphs/00_workplace.txt"," ")

notice: the temporal graph loader has two input parameters: (i) the temporal graph file and (ii) the file separator


resut = progressive_mantra(tg,0.07,0.1,false,"ob","pfm")

the above command will compute a (0.07,0.1)-Approximation using the ONBRA (ob) estimator for the Prefix Foremost Temporal Betweenness

Save the output to file



Suite of sampling-based algorithms for approximating the temporal betweenness centrality






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