An ASP.NET Core application mimicing the features of Just Eat, the online restaurant and delivery platform.
Requirements to build and run the project locally.
- Docker
Or if you don't want to use docker:
- .NET 8
- SQL Server 2022
- Node.js
- Start the frontend and API server:
docker compose up
- Stop the app:
docker compose down
Visit http://localhost:3000 for the frontend.
Visit http://localhost:8080/swagger for the REST API documentation, and a UI for running some authenticated requests. The API runs at http://localhost:8080/api.
Split into user facing and software implementation features (frameworks used, design etc.)
Delivery system
- Uses a dedicated delivery driver role
- Driver rating by users
- Tracking and arrival time estimation using location
- Nearest driver to the restaurant selected at order time
User recommendations
- Recommends products and restaurants based on categorical similarity with order history
- Also uses frequently ordered at restaurants / bought products
- Globally trending products / local restaurants since last week
Online basket
- List of items before ordering
- Coupons applied at checkout
- Users, Delivery drivers and restaurants have locations
- For finding nearby restaurants, estimating delivery time, and selecting a nearby driver
Partner role
- The restaurant owner role
- Get restaurant revenue
- Manages menu products
- Entity framework core
- Abstracts database relationships, removing the need for a foreign key in code
- Use indexing to ensure efficient querying based on use case
- ASP.NET Identity
- JWT authentication, a lightweight solution. Stores user ID in payload.
- Resource-base authorization (using policies) to restrict access to data using business logic.
- Role-based authorization (User, Partner, DeliveryDriver, Admin).
- Useful Patterns
- Repository for data access
- Service for business logic without data access
- Unit of work for multiple database updates
- API endpoint routing, and status code handling
Other interesting features I could add in the future:
- Group ordering for multiple users to place one order together, and pay once.
- Automatically adjusting menu pricing based on recent demand, to maximize revenue.
- Contextual recommendations based on the time of day, user's location, active discouns/promotions.