A string processing library for the C# programming language. It provides features to manipulate and transform strings in a simple and efficient way. The library is open-source and provided with unit tests and performance tests. It is designed to be easily integrated into your existing projects. Feel free to contribute to the project with ideas or development expertise.
- RemoveCharacters - removes the specified characters from a string
- IsValidEmail - validate an e-mail address
- IsValidPhoneNumber - validate a phone number
- CountSubstring - counts the number of occurrences of a string in the specified string
- ReverseWords - reverses the order of words in the specified string
- IsPalindrome - determines if a given string is a palindrome
- CountLetters - counts the number of letters in a given string.
- RemoveDuplicateCharacters - remove duplicate characters from a given string.
- ConvertToCamelCase - converts a given string to camel case.
Install StringExtension using the following NuGet command
nuget install String-Extension
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENCE for more information.
You can contribute to the project in several ways: by proposing new ideas, reporting bugs you encounter, or improving existing code. If you would like to submit a change, you can open a Pull Request so that we can review your changes and incorporate them into the project if necessary. We welcome your participation and look forward to moving this string library project forward.