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Team Charter

Ao Wang edited this page May 20, 2020 · 1 revision

Definition of Done: The task is considered done if it functions as needed, looks presentable, and is effectively accurate.

Checklist for Done:

  • Does it pertain to the purpose of the product?
  • Is it not redundant?
  • Does it function without errors on Google Chrome?
  • Does it look presentable?

Working Agreement: We work best together when we communicate quickly and clearly to each other.

This means that our delay in responses should not be longer than a day. We will primarily use Discord as our means of communication. This includes, but is not limited to: voice calls, file sharing, and screen sharing. Facebook Messenger and phone numbers may also be used if needed.

We are all willing to dedicate around 2-3 hours outside of lab meetings to the project, depending on our weekly schedules. This will be from 1:00 to 3:00 PM on Saturdays. We aim to finish deadlines by Saturday night so we have the Sunday to review and discuss. In order to effectively communicate we will use voice calls and maybe video to ensure that we are on the same page. This may be Discord or Zoom, depending on the circumstances. Plus, we have Thursday labs to discuss. We will also move tasks on the Kanban board at the end of the week.

Weekly Calendar:

  • Thursdays: Weekly sprints and meeting during lab
  • Saturdays: Online meetings from 1:00-3:00 PM on Saturdays (voice / video call)
  • Sundays: Last-minute revisions and checking

Signed by: Joey Huang, Ao Wang, Elijah Roberts, Hung Do

Updated: 4/9/2020

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