Course code : IDMW532C
Semester : 5
Lab assignments:
- Lab 0:
- Apriori Algorithm
- Apriori Algorithm using Hash Function
- Frequent Set Generation
- Apriori Algorithm on Integrated and Partioned Sets
- Lab 1:
- FP Growth Algorithm
- Comparison of Apriori and FP Growth
- FP Growth using Linked List & Adjacency Matrix
- Lab 2:
- Decision Trees (ID3, C4.5 & CART)
- Lab 3:
- K-Means Clustering
- Partition Around Medoids (PAM) Clustering
- Lab 4:
- Single Layer Perceptron
- Lab 5:
- Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm
- BIRCH Algorithm
- DBSCAN Algorithm
- OPTICS Algorithm
- COBWEB Clustering Algorithm
- Lab 0:
Lab Test:
- Modified K-Means Algorithm
- Radius Neighbour Classifier