If you have already installed it, simply run
pipenv run jupyter lab
Install the required Python package from pipfile:
PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT=1 pipenv install
Initialized bash kernel:
pipenv shell
python -m bash_kernel.install
Then you are ready to run Jupyter Lab with Bash kernel:
pipenv run jupyter lab
Ref: https://github.com/takluyver/bash_kernel
# List all kernels and grab the name of the kernel you want to remove
jupyter kernelspec list
# Remove it
jupyter kernelspec remove <kernel_name>
- remove and reinstall pipenv:
pipenv --rm
pipenv install
- remove and reinstall Jupyter's bash kernel
pipenv shell
jupyter kernelspec uninstall bash
python -m bash_kernel.install
Note: you can list the installed kernels with:
jupyter kernelspec list