Nette component for creating currency input.
Install currency input library via composer:
composer require adt/nette-forms-currency
and register method extension in bootstrap.php
This allows you to call the method addCurrency
on class Nette\Forms\Form
or Nette\Forms\Container
For live formatting functionality its necessary to create custom js.
You can use our example bellow.
Install and link following libraries:
Initialize autoNumeric on currency input
$(function () {
$.nette.ext('live').after(function ($element) {
$element.find('.js-nette-forms-currency').each(function () {
new AutoNumeric(this, JSON.parse(this.dataset.options));
It's very simple:
$form->addCurrency('currency', 'label', \ADT\Forms\Controls\CurrencyInput::CURRENCY_CZK);
$form->onSuccess[] = function ($form) {
$form['currency']->getValue(); // returns eg. from "100 000 000,56 kč" => "100000000.56"
And in latte:
{input currency}
To turn on autocomplete in IDE, add @method CurrencyInput addCurrency($name, $label = null, $currency = null, $language = null)
to your base form.