Releases: Apra-Labs/ApraPipes
Releases · Apra-Labs/ApraPipes
v1.0.0.2: Updated the ZXing to latest as of July2024
Bug fix: The old ZXIng library was consuming more memory than expected while scanning non-QR images. The new zxing version fixes it.
What's Changed
- Qrreader changes by @VishwanathB45 in #371
New Contributors
- @VishwanathB45 made their first contribution in #371
Full Changelog: v1.0.0.1...v1.0.0.2
V1.0.0.0: First release, also last release using hunter
What's Changed
- Changed framesmuxer_tests/allornone test and Added findexstrategy_tests by @varmakvl7 in #9
- 1.Updated NvArgusCameraHelper by @varmakvl7 in #11
- Added example test case in rtsppusher_tests which prints the command … by @varmakvl7 in #15
- Added Recursive submodule installation and Setup Phase by @rkishan516 in #13
- Converted AIPException into Macro, now able to log the location where… by @varmakvl7 in #16
- added resize and encoder cpu module by @yashrajsingh1998 in #17
- FrameFactory refactoring by @saichaitanyaeruvaram in #19
- QR reader by @varmakvl7 in #25
- Added RotateCV module by @varmakvl7 in #27
- Updated configuration for hunter PIC packages by @rkishan516 in #29
- Added VirtualPTZ Module and BrightnessContrast Module by @yashrajsapra in #31
- Added WebCamSource module with unit tests by @AkshayPS12 in #32
- Removed unused headers by @yashrajsapra in #34
- Update issue templates added Bug template by @joiskash in #39
- Update issue templates added Features by @joiskash in #40
- Create cmake.yml by @kumaakh in #41
- attempt to run all passing tests on cloud by @kumaakh in #43
- Try to improve test on fork approach by @kumaakh in #46
- bug fix in virtual webcam... the missing reutrn statement were making… by @kumaakh in #53
New Contributors
- @varmakvl7 made their first contribution in #9
- @rkishan516 made their first contribution in #13
- @yashrajsingh1998 made their first contribution in #17
- @saichaitanyaeruvaram made their first contribution in #19
Full Changelog: