Thank you for contributing to apstra-api-python!
Please report bugs as issues here on GitLab!
Submit your code as a new branch based off main
and submit a Pull
Request (PR). All tests and approvals of a PR must be meet before merge.
Dont forget to update the version number in
Create a virtual environment and install apstra-api-python:
$ cd apstra-api-python
$ python3.8 -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
- Run full test suite
$ tox
- Run unit tests:
$ tox -e py38
- Run linters:
$ tox -e flake8
Black is used to format code pre-commit
black aos/
black tests/
This function is currently handled by the project admin team. GitHub releases is currently used for release management. Git tags are used to manage release version numbers.
git tag v0.x.y-beta
git push --tags
- From Github validate the new tag is present with the correct commit.
- From Github create a new release based on the new tag.
- Github actions will then pick up the new release and trigger a release build and publish to pypi using the tagged version number