A Full university Course Registration Course System with 3 main interfaces for Admin,Students and Professor.
1- A view will enable user to view the data about a student based on a certain search criteria.
2- The professor should be able to view all the students in his course.
3-The professor should be able to put the grades for his students in his course.
4- The professor should be able to take the attendance of the students.
1- The student should be able to register in any course if there is still a seat available.
2- The student can see how many times he's marked absent.
3- The student can show all the available course.
1- The user can show a list of students who did not pay the tuition.
2- The user can show any student's details such as the courses registered, id and department.
3- The user can show any professor's details.
You will need to use Xampp Control Panel. Upload the project folder to the htdocs directory in your machine and use mysql to upload the database.