Proxyless account checker using the library. All hits get storage capture and saved to a seperate txt file. Also, supports discord webhook integration.
Use the package manager pip to install required modules.
pip install colorama
pip install discord-webhook
pip install
Run Checker by Arboff.
Program is self explanatory. Follow on-screen instructions.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
Removed bug where the program would suddenly crash at a certain account. Issue was caused by not adding "UTF-8" coding when reading the files.
Added CURRENT/TOTAL counter on top
Added a counter for Hits / Fails / Customs on the top of the status bar.
Added functionality to look for keyword in the account upon HIT
Added String Position in Hit message
Added TRUE/FALSE keyword flag on hits
Visual Improvements.
Recompiled .exe
Fixed a bug where it will count +2 on each hit
Added More information on Hits
Added more info on hits string in file
Added a finish discord webhook message
Added more information on nav bar
Recompiled .exe
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