#Welcome to the BootStrap Crash Coarse! ###My name is Jake and an alumni of The Iron Yard. If you care to know more about me, here is a link to my website - jaketepper.herokuapp.com
##Bootstrap Bootstrap is a HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
https://www.lyft.com http://www.vogue.com https://riot.design/en/
- Saves time by giving you a platform with all basic and components needed.
- UI that looks good out of the box.
- Lots of free templates and themes.
- Fully customizable, you can as little or as much as you want.
- Lots of overriding needed if you don't create your own classes (Thousands of lines of code)
- Websites start to look the same if you don't customize them.
- Websites are often static until a back-end is built.
Things to do..
- Change background image
- Fix Nav bar "Services" to "Passions"
Things we can do..
- Changing colors using Chrome inspector.
- Return to top of page button?
Java Script anyone?
- Give header text a little Java Script https://speckyboy.com/css-javascript-text-animation-snippets/
- Lets play with JS! https://dcrazed.com/creative-javascript-examples/
- Why minified?
- Gulp dev in terminal
- Showing dynamic page with backend and API usage.