layout | title | permalink |
page |
/php-sdk/ |
The required libraries can be downloaded to your directory using composer. Contact us to receive the composer command to download the SDK resource files.
Find the .env
file in the following directory created: "vendor\arcadier\arcadier-php\src" and replace the variables with the relevant values:
Remember to load the SDK by including the following line in all your PHP scripts:
require "vendor\arcadier\arcadier-php\src\api.php";
$sdk = new ApiSdk(); #this variable does not have to be $sdk, but in this documentation, it will be used throughout
POST /api/v2/sso
$sso_user = $sdk->ssoToken($exUserId, $userEmail);
$user_ID = $sso_user['AccessToken']['UserId'];
echo $sso_user;
- (Required) The user's ID from the external platform (string)$userEmail
- (Optional) This will be registered as the new user's notification email
POST /token
Get Admin Token:
$admin_token = $sdk->AdminToken();
echo $admin_token;
Log a user in:
$user = $sdk->LogIn($username, $password); //arguments: the log in credentials of the user
echo $user;
POST /api/v2/accounts/sign-out
$result = $sdk->LogOut($token); //$token = the authentication token of the user you wish to terminate the session of
echo $result['Result'];
GET /api/v2/users/{userID}
$userInfo = $sdk->getUserInfo($id, $include);
echo $userInfo;
- (Required) User GUID (string)$includes
- (Optional) Takes the following values (string):"addresses"
GET /api/v2/admins/{adminID}/users/?role=buyer
$buyerList = $sdk->getAllBuyers($keywordsParam = null, $pageSize = null, $pageNumber = null);
echo $buyerList['Records'];
- (Optional) Search all buyers having a certain keyword in their details (name/e-mail). (string)$pageSize
- (Optional) The number of results in one response. (integer)$pageNumber
- (Optional) Depending onpageSize
and the total number of results, specifying this will display different sets of results. (integer)
GET /api/v2/admins/{adminID}/users/?role=merchant
$merchantList = $sdk->getAllMerchants($keywordsParam = null, $pageSize = null, $pageNumber = null)
echo $merchantList['Records'];
- (Optional) Search all merchants having a certain keyword in their details (name/e-mail). (string)$pageSize
- (Optional) The number of results in one response. (integer)$pageNumber
- (Optional) Depending onpageSize
and the total number of results, specifying this will display different sets of results. (integer)
GET /api/v2/admins/{adminID}/users/?role=buyer
$userList = $sdk->getAllUsers($keywordsParam = null, $pageSize = null, $pageNumber = null);
echo $userList['Records'];
- (Optional) Search all users having a certain keyword in their details (name/e-mail). (string)$pageSize
- (Optional) The number of results in one response. (integer)$pageNumber
- (Optional) Depending onpageSize
and the total number of results, specifying this will display different sets of results. (integer)
POST api/v2/accounts/register
$data = [
'Email' => 'string', //email format
'Password' => 'string', //at least 6 characters long
'ConfirmPassword' => 'string' //repeat 'Password' field
$newUser = $sdk->registerUser($data);
echo $newUser;
PUT /api/v2/users/{userID}
$updatedUser = $sdk->updateUserInfo($id, $data);
echo $updatedUser;
- (Required) User GUID (string)$data
- (Optional) If omitted, user will be unaffected.
$data = [
'Email' => 'string',
'FirstName' => 'string',
'LastName' => 'string',
'DisplayName' => 'string',
'Description' => 'string',
'PhoneNumber' => '',
'Media' => [
'MediaUrl' => 'string' //URL of image
'CustomFields' => [
'Code' => 'string',
'Name' => 'string',
'DataFieldType' => 'string',
'Values' => [
'TimeZone' => 'string',
'Active' => true,
'Enabled' => true,
'Visible' => true
PUT /api/v2/admins/{adminID}/users/{userID}/roles/{role}
$newRole = $sdk->upgradeUserRole($id, $role);
echo $newRole;
- (Required) User GUID (string)$role
- (Required) Takes one of the following values (string)- "merchant"
- "Admin"
DELETE /api/v2/admins/{adminID}/users/{userID}
$deletedUser = $sdk->deleteUser($id);
echo $deletedUser;
- (Required) User GUID (string)
POST /api/v2/admins/{adminID}/password
$data = [
'UserID': 'string', //User GUID of user to reset password for
'Action': 'token'
$result = $sdk->$resetPassword($data);
echo $result['Token'];
PUT /api/v2/users/{userID}/password
- (Required) User GUID (string)$data
- (Required)
$data = [
'OldPassword' => 'string', //not required if resetting password
'Password' => 'string',
'ConfirmPassword' => 'string',
'ResetPasswordToken' => 'string' //Obtained from Password reset API. Required if resetting password
$userId = "d78635hd-h7s5-k987-u4fd-333f-hd52kf6shn76";
$updatePassword = $sdk->updatePassword($data, $userId);
echo $updatePassword['Result'];
GET /api/v2/users/{userID}/addresses/{addressID}
is mapped to getUserAddress($id, $addressID)
- (Required) User GUID (string)$addressID
- (Optional) Address GUID (string). Ommitting it will return all addresses of that user.
POST /api/v2/users/{userID}/addresses
is mapped to createUserAddress($id, $data)
- (Required) User GUID (string)$data
- (Required)
$data = [
'Name' => 'string',
'Line1' => 'string',
'Line2' => 'string',
'PostCode' => 'string',
'Latitude' => 'string',
'Longitude' => 'string',
'Delivery' => true,
'Pickup' => true,
'SpecialInstructions' => 'string',
'State' => 'string',
'City' => 'string',
'Country' => 'string', //required
'CountryCode' => 'string' //required
PUT /api/v2/users/{userID}/addresses/{addressID}
is mapped to updateUserAddress($id, $addressID, $data)
- (Required) User GUID (string)$addressID
- (Required) Address GUID (string)$data
- (Required)
$data = [
'Name' => 'string',
'Line1' => 'string',
'Line2' => 'string',
'PostCode' => 'string',
'Latitude' => 'string',
'Longitude' => 'string',
'Delivery' => true,
'Pickup' => true,
'SpecialInstructions' => 'string',
'State' => 'string',
'City' => 'string',
'Country' => 'string', //required
'CountryCode' => 'string' //required
DELETE /api/v2/users/{userID}/addresses/{addressID}
is mapped to deleteUserAddress($id, $addressID)
- (Required) User GUID (string)$addressID
- (Optional) Address GUID (string). Ommitting it will return all addresses of that user.
GET /api/v2/items/{itemID}
is mapped to getItemInfo($id)
- (Required) Item GUID (string)
GET /api/v2/items
is mapped to getAllItems($pageSize = null, $pageNumber = null);
- (Optional) The number of results in one response. (integer)$pageNumber
- (Optional) Depending onpageSize
and the total number of results, specifying this will display different sets of results. (integer)
$item_list = $sdk->getAllItems();
echo $item_list['Records']; //The actual array of items is in the "Records" field of the JSON response
POST /api/v2/items
is mapped to searchItems($data);
Search filters are passed to the function as an object:
$data = [
'keywords' => 'string', //keyword in item name, description, or custom field
'pagesize' => 'string', //number of results
'Categories' =>[
'string' //Category GUID
'sellerID' => 'string', //merchant GUID
'customFields' => 'string',
'tax' => 'string',
'minPrice' => 0,
'maxPrice' => 0,
'minRating' => 0,
'maxRating' => 0,
'startDate' => 'unix_time',
'endDate' => 'unix_time',
'createdStartDate' => 'unix_time',
'createdEndDate' => 'unix_time',
'updatedStartDate' => 'unix_time',
'updatedEndDate' => 'unix_time'
$response = $sdk->getAllItemsJsonFiltering($data);
$results = $response['Records']; //The actual array of matching items is in the "Records" field of the JSON response
POST /api/v2/merchants/{merchantID}/items
is mapped to createItem($data, $merchantId)
- (Required) Merchant GUID (string)$data
- Item details (Object)
$data = [
'SKU' => 'string',
'Name' => 'string', //required
'BuyerDescription' => 'string', //required
'SellerDescription' => 'string', //required
'Price' => 0, //required
'PriceUnit' => 'string', //required
'StockLimited' => true, //required
'StockQuantity' => 0, //can be ommitted if StockLimited is set to false
'IsVisibleToCustomer' => true,
'Active' => true,
'IsAvailable' => true,
'CurrencyCode' => 'string', //required
'Categories' => [
'ID' => 'string' //Category GUID. Required
'ShippingMethods' => [
'ID' => 'string' //Shipping method GUID
'PickupAddresses' => [
'ID' => 'string' //Address GUID
'Media' => [
'MediaUrl' => 'string' //URL of image. Required
'Tags' => [
'CustomFields' => [
'Code' => 'string', //Custom field code
'Values' => [
'HasChildItems' => false,
'ChildItems' => [ //this whole object can be omitted if HasChildItems is set to false
'Variants' => [
'Name' => 'string',
'GroupName' => 'string2'
'SKU' => 'string',
'Name' => 'string',
'BuyerDescription' => 'string',
'SellerDescription' => 'string',
'Price' => 0,
'PriceUnit' => 'string',
'StockLimited' => true,
'StockQuantity' => 0,
'IsVisibleToCustomer' => true,
'Active' => true,
'IsAvailable' => true,
'CurrencyCode' => 'string',
'Categories' => [
'ID' => 'string'
'ShippingMethods' => [
'ID' => 'string'
'PickupAddresses' => [
'ID' => 'string'
'Media' => [
'MediaUrl' => 'string'
'Tags' => [
POST /api/v2/merchants/{merchantID}/items
is mapped to createItem($data, $merchantId)
- (Required) Merchant GUID (string)$data
- Item details (Object)
Documentation and $data
details can be found here.
Fields similar to Create Item
have the same requirement.
$data = [
'SKU' => 'string',
'Name' => 'string',
'BuyerDescription' => 'string',
'SellerDescription' => 'string',
'Price' => 0,
'PriceUnit' => 'string',
'StockLimited' => true,
'StockQuantity' => 0,
'IsVisibleToCustomer' => true,
'Active' => true,
'IsAvailable' => true,
'CurrencyCode' => 'string',
'InstantBuy' => true,
'Negotiation' => false,
'Categories' => [
'ID' => 'string'
'ShippingMethods' => [
'ID' => 'string'
'PickupAddresses' => [
'ID' => 'string'
'Media' => [
'MediaUrl' => 'string'
'Tags' => [
'CustomFields' => [
'Code' => 'string',
'Values' => [
'Scheduler' => [
'TimeZoneOffset' => -12.00,
'TimeZoneID' => 1,
'AllDay' => false,
'Overnight' => false,
'StartDateTime' => 1584748800,
'EndDateTime' => 1587427200,
'OpeningHours' => [
'Day' => 1,
'StartTime' => '08:00:00',
'EndTime' => '21:00:00',
'IsRestDay' => false
'Day' => 2,
'StartTime' => '08:00:00',
'EndTime' => '21:00:00',
'IsRestDay' => false
'Day' => 3,
'StartTime' => '08:00:00',
'EndTime' => '21:00:00',
'IsRestDay' => false
'Day' => 4,
'StartTime' => '08:00:00',
'EndTime' => '21:00:00',
'IsRestDay' => false
'Day' => 5,
'StartTime' => '08:00:00',
'EndTime' => '21:00:00',
'IsRestDay' => true
'Day' => 6,
'StartTime' => '18:00:00',
'EndTime' => '23:00:00',
'IsRestDay' => true
'Day' => 7,
'StartTime' => '08:00:00',
'EndTime' => '22:00:00',
'IsRestDay' => true
'Unavailables' => [
'StartDateTime' => 1585094400,
'EndDateTime' => 1585180800,
'Reason' => 'My Birthday',
'Active' => true
'StartDateTime' => 1587081600,
'EndDateTime' => 1587222000,
'Reason' => 'Your Birthday',
'Active' => true
'HasChildItems' => true,
'ChildItems' => [
'Variants' => [
'Name' => 'string',
'GroupName' => 'string2'
'SKU' => 'string',
'Name' => 'string',
'BuyerDescription' => 'string',
'SellerDescription' => 'string',
'Price' => 0,
'PriceUnit' => 'string',
'StockLimited' => true,
'StockQuantity' => 0,
'IsVisibleToCustomer' => true,
'Active' => true,
'IsAvailable' => true,
'CurrencyCode' => 'string',
'Categories' => [
'ID' => 'string'
'ShippingMethods' => [
'ID' => 'string'
'PickupAddresses' => [
'ID' => 'string'
'Media' => [
'MediaUrl' => 'string'
'Tags' => [
PUT /api/v2/merchants/{merchantID}/items/{itemID}
is mapped to editItem($data, $merchantId, $itemId)
- (Required) Merchant GUID (string)$itemId
- (Required) Item GUID (string)$data
- Item details (Object)
Documentation and $data
details can be found here.
DELETE /api/v2/merchants/{merchantID}/items/{itemID}
is mapped to deleteItem($merchantId, $itemId)
- (Required) Merchant GUID (string)$itemId
- (Required) Item GUID (string)
POST /api/v2/merchants/{merchantID}/items/{itemID}/tags
is mapped to tagItem($data, $merchantId, $itemId)
- (Required) Merchant GUID (string)$itemId
- (Required) Item GUID (string)$data
- Item details (Array of strings)
$data = [
$tag_new_item = $sdk->tagItem($data, $merchantId, $itemId);
echo $tag_new_item;
GET /api/v2/tags
is mapped to getItemTags($pageSize = null, $pageNumber = null)
- (Optional) The number of results in one response. (integer)$pageNumber
- (Optional) Depending onpageSize
and the total number of results, specifying this will display different sets of results. (integer)
$get_tags = $sdk->getItemTags();
echo $get_tags;
More about pagination here
DELETE /api/v2/tags
is mapped to deleteTags($data)
$data = [
$deleted_tags = $sdk->deleteTags($data);
echo $deleted_tags;
GET /api/v2/users/{buyerID}/carts
$cart = $sdk->getCart($buyerId);
echo $cart['Records'];
- (Required) The buyer's GUID (string)
POST /api/v2/users/{buyerID}/carts
- (Required) The buyer's GUID (string)$data
$data = [
'ItemDetail'=> [
'ID'=> '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' // Required. String. Item GUID. If an item has child items, this will be the child item GUID.
'Quantity'=> 0, //integer. Required
'CartItemType'=> 'delivery', //optional
'ShippingMethod'=> [
'ID'=> '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' //optional. Shipping Method GUID
$cart = $sdk->addToCart($data, $buyerId);
echo $cart;
PUT /api/v2/users/{buyerID}/carts/{cart-item-ID}
- (Required) The buyer's GUID (string)'=$cartItemId
- (Required) The Cart Item ID obtained from the response of Add item to Cart API$data
$data = [
'ItemDetail'=> [
'ID'=> '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' // Required. String. Item GUID. If an item has child items, this will be the child item GUID.
'Quantity'=> 0, //integer. Required
'CartItemType'=> 'delivery', //optional
'ShippingMethod'=> [
'ID'=> '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' //optional. Shipping Method GUID
$cart = $sdk->updateCartItem($data, $buyerId, $cartItemId);
echo $cart;
DELETE /api/v2/users/{buyerID}/carts/{cart-item-ID}
- (Required) The buyer's GUID (string)'=$cartItemId
- (Required) The Cart Item ID obtained from the response of Add item to Cart API
$cart = $sdk->deleteCartItem($buyerId, $cartItemId);
echo $cart;
GET /api/v2/users/{merchantID}/orders/{orderID}
$orderInfo = $sdk->getOrder($id, $userId);
echo $orderInfo;
- (Required) The order GUID (string)userId
- (Required) Can be either the Admin GUID or the merchant GUID of the the merchant who owns the order.
GET /api/v2/users/{merchantID}/orders/{orderID}
$orderList = $sdk->getOrderHistory($merchantId, $pageSize, $pageNumber);
echo $orderList;
- (Required) The merchant GUID (string)$pageSize
- (Optional) The number of results in one response. (integer)$pageNumber
- (Optional) Depending onpageSize
and the total number of results, specifying this will display different sets of results. (integer)
GET /api/v2/merchants/{merchantID}/transactions/{invoiceID}
$orderList = $sdk->getOrderInfoByInvoiceId($merchantId, $invoiceId);
echo $orderList;
- (Required) The merchant GUID (string)$invoiceId
- (Required) The invoice number (string)
POST /api/v2/merchants/{merchantID}/orders/{orderID}
$data = [
'FulfilmentStatus'=> 'string',
'PaymentStatus'=> 'string',
'Balance'=> 0,
'DeliveryToAddress'=> [
'ID'=> '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
'CartItemType'=> 'string',
'Freight'=> 0,
'DiscountAmount'=> 0,
'Surcharge'=> 0,
'CustomFields'=> [
'Code'=> 'string',
'Values'=> [
$updated_order = $sdk->editOrder($merchantId, $orderId, $data)
echo $updated_order;
- the GUID of the merchant who is the owner of the order. This can also be the Admin GUID (string)$orderId
- The order GUID (string)$data
Field Definitions for $data
can be found here.
POST /api/v2/admins/{adminID}/orders
$data = [
[ //order #1
'ID' => '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
'FulfilmentStatus'=> 'string',
'PaymentStatus'=> 'string',
'Balance'=> 0,
'DeliveryToAddress'=> [
'ID'=> '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
'CartItemType'=> 'string',
'Freight'=> 0,
'DiscountAmount'=> 0,
'Surcharge'=> 0,
'CustomFields'=> [
'Code'=> 'string',
'Values'=> [
[ //order #2
'ID' => '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
'FulfilmentStatus'=> 'string',
'PaymentStatus'=> 'string',
'Balance'=> 0,
'DeliveryToAddress'=> [
'ID'=> '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
'CartItemType'=> 'string',
'Freight'=> 0,
'DiscountAmount'=> 0,
'Surcharge'=> 0,
'CustomFields'=> [
'Code'=> 'string',
'Values'=> [
$updated_orders = $sdk->updateOrders($data)
echo $updated_orders;
Field Definitions for $data
can be found here.
GET /api/v2/admins/{adminID}/transactions/{invoiceID}
$transac_info = $sdk->getTransactionInfo($invoiceNo);
echo $transac_info;
- (Required) The invoice number (string)
GET /api/v2/admins/{adminID}/transactions
$transactions = $sdk->getAllTransactions($startDate = null, $endDate = null, $pageSize = null, $pageNumber = null);
echo $transactions['Records'];
- (Optional) The number of results in one response. (integer)$pageNumber
- (Optional) Depending onpageSize
and the total number of results, specifying this will display different sets of results. (integer)$startDate
- (Optional) The lower limit of the time at which you want to start filtering. (integer - Unix timestamp)$endDate
- (Optional) The upper limit of the time at which you want to end filetering. (integer - Unix timestamp)
GET /api/v2/users/{buyerID}/transactions
$transactions = $sdk->getBuyerTransactions($buyerId);
echo $transactions['Records'];
- (Required) The buyer GUID (string)
PUT /api/v2/admins/{adminID}/invoices/{invoiceID}
$data = [
'Payee' => [
'ID' => '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
'Order' => [
'ID' => '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
'Total' => 0,
'Fee' => 0,
'Status' => 'string',
'Refunded' => false,
'RefundedRef' => 'string',
'GatewayPayKey' => 'string',
'GatewayTransactionID' => 'string',
'GatewayStatus' => 'string',
'GatewayTimeStamp' => 'string',
'GatewayRef' => 'string',
'GatewayCorrelationId' => 'string',
'GatewaySenderId' => 'string',
'GatewaySenderRef' => 'string',
'GatewayReceiverId' => 'string',
'GatewayReceiverRef' => 'string',
'Gateway' => [
'Code' => 'string'
'DateTimePaid' => 0
$updated_transaction = $sdk->updateTransaction($invoiceNo, $data);
echo $updated_transaction;
- the invoice number of the invoice to be updated$data
Field Definitions for $data
can be found here.
GET api/v2/plugins/{packageID}/custom-tables/{custom-table-name}/
$custom_table = $sdk->getCustomTable($packageId, $tableName);
echo $custom_table['Records'];
- (Required) The Plug-In ID (string)$tableName
- (Required) The table name (string)
POST /api/v2/plugins/{packageID}/custom-tables/{custom-table-name}/rows
$data = [
`{column-name1}` => `string`, // data type depends on what was configured during custom table creation
`{column-name2}` => 0
$new_row = $sdk->createRowEntry($packageId, $tableName, $data);
echo $new_row;
- (Required) The Plug-In ID (string)$tableName
- (Required) The table name (string)
PUT /api/v2/plugins/{packageID}/custom-tables/{custom-table-name}/rows/{rowId}
$data = [
"{column-name1}": "string", // data type depends on what was configured during custom table creation
"{column-name2}": 0
$updated_row = $sdk->editRowEntry($packageId, $tableName, $rowId, $data);
echo $update_row;
- (Required) The Plug-In ID (string)$tableName
- (Required) The table name (string)$rowId
- (Required) The ID of the row (string)
DELETE /api/v2/plugins/{packageID}/custom-tables/{custom-table-name}/rows/{rowId}
$deleted_row = $sdk->deleteRowEntry($packageId, $tableName, $rowId);
echo $deleted_row;
- (Required) The Plug-In ID (string)$tableName
- (Required) The table name (string)$rowId
- (Required) The ID of the row (string)
GET /api/v2/event-triggers/
$event_trigger_list = $sdk->getEventTriggers();
echo $event_trigger_list;
POST /api/v2/event-triggers/
$data = [
'Uri' => 'string', //required
'Filters' => [ //required
'Description' => 'string',
'IsPaused' => false,
'Headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'string',
'CustomHeader' => 'string',
'Alice' => 'Bob'
$new_event_trigger = $sdk->addEventTrigger($data);
echo $new_event_trigger;
Field definitions:
- The URL of the webhook to send the payload to.'Filters' => []
- Array of names of the events which act as trigger. More details here.'Description'
- Short description of the event trigger'IsPaused'
- (Boolean) Halts the triggering of this event to the specified URI. This does not delete the event trigger.'Headers' => []
- Array of headers paramaters you wish to send with the payload to the webhook server.
PUT /api/v2/event-triggers/{event_trigger_ID}
$data = [
'Uri' => 'string', //required
'Filters' => [ //required
'Description' => 'string',
'IsPaused' => false,
'Headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'string',
'CustomHeader' => 'string',
'Alice' => 'Bob'
$edit_event_trigger = $sdk->updateEventTrigger($eventTriggerId, $data);
echo $edit_event_trigger;
- the ID of the event trigger obtained after creating it (string)$data
Field definitions:
- The URL of the webhook to send the payload to.'Filters' => []
- Array of names of the events which act as trigger. More details here.'Description'
- Short description of the event trigger'IsPaused'
- (Boolean) Halts the triggering of this event to the specified URI. This does not delete the event trigger.'Headers' => []
- Array of headers paramaters you wish to send with the payload to the webhook server.
DELETE /api/v2/event-triggers/{event_trigger_ID}
$delete_event_trigger = $sdk->removeEventTrigger($eventTriggerId);
echo $delete_event_trigger;
- the ID of the event trigger obtained after creating it (string)
POST /api/v2/admins/{adminID}/emails
$data= [
'From' => 'string',
'To' => 'string',
'Body' => 'Your email content. It can be in plaintext or in HTML',
'Subject' => 'string'
$sendEmail = $sdk->sendEmail($from, $to, $html, $subject);
echo $sendEmail;
- The sender's email (string)$to
- The recipient's email (string)$html
- Stringified HTML content of the email$subject
- The subject of the email (string)
POST /api/v2/emails
$sendEmail = $sdk->sendEmailAfterGeneratingInvoice($invoiceNo);
echo $sendEmail;
- The invoice number (string)
GET /api/v2/static/fulfilment-statuses
$fulfilment_statuses = $sdk->getFulfilmentStatuses();
echo $fulfilment_statuses['Records'];
GET /api/v2/static/currencies
$currencies = $sdk->getCurrencies();
echo $currencies['Records'];
GET /api/v2/static/countries
$countries = $sdk->getCountries();
echo $countries['Records'];
GET /api/v2/static/order-statuses
$order_statuses = $sdk->getOrderStatuses();
echo $order_statuses['Records'];
GET /api/v2/static/payment-statuses
$payment_statuses = $sdk->getPaymentStatuses();
echo $payment_statuses['Records'];
GET /api/v2/static/timezones
$timezones = $sdk->getTimezones();
echo $timezones['Records'];
GET /api/v2/categories
$category_list = $sdk->getCategories($pageSize = null, $pageNumber = null);
echo $category_list['Records'];
- (Optional) The number of results in one response. (integer)$pageNumber
- (Optional) Depending onpageSize
and the total number of results, specifying this will display different sets of results. (integer)
GET /api/v2/categories/hierarchy
$category_hierarchy = $sdk->getCategoriesWithHierarchy();
echo $category_hierarchy;
POST /api/v2/admins/{adminID}/categories
$data = [
'Name' => 'string', //required
'Description' => 'string',
'SortOrder' => 0,
'Media' => [ //required
'MediaUrl' => 'string'
'ParentCategoryID' => '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
'Level' => 0
$new_category = $sdk->createCategory($data);
echo $new_category;
Field definitions:
- Name of the category'Description'
- Short Description of the category'SortOrder'
- Rank in which it will appear on category lists'Media' => [ 'MediaUrl']
- The URL of the image to be set for the category'ParentCategoryID'
- The GUID of the category which will be the parent of this new category. Omit this field if the category is going to be a parent/main category'Level'
- Parent Categories have a level of0
. subsequent levels of child categories have higher levels.
PUT /api/v2/admins/{adminID}/categories/{categoryID}
$data = [
'Name' => 'string',
'Description' => 'string',
'SortOrder' => 0,
'Media' => [
'MediaUrl' => 'string'
'ParentCategoryID' => '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
'Level' => 0
$edited_category = $sdk->updateCategory($categoryId, $data);
echo $edited_category;
- the category GUID of the category to edit$data
Field definitions:
- Name of the category'Description'
- Short Description of the category'SortOrder'
- Rank in which it will appear on category lists'Media' => [ 'MediaUrl']
- The URL of the image to be set for the category'ParentCategoryID'
- The GUID of the category which will be the parent of this new category. Omit this field if the category is going to be a parent/main category'Level'
- Parent Categories have a level of0
. subsequent levels of child categories have higher levels.
PUT /api/v2/admins/{adminID}/categories
$data = [
"Category GUID #1", //string
"Category GUID #2",
"Category GUID #3"
$sorted_list = $sdk->sortCategories($data);
echo $sorted_list;
DELETE /api/v2/admins/{adminID}/categories/{categoryID}
$deleted_category = $sdk->deleteCategory($categoryId);
echo $deleted_category;
- the category GUID of the category to edit
GET /api/v2/marketplaces/
$mp = $sdk->getMarketplaceInfo();
echo $mp;
POST /api/v2/marketplaces/
$data = [
'CustomFields' => [
'Code' => 'string', //the custom field code of an existing custom field
'Values' => [
'string' //the value to store. Data type depends on what was configured when the custom field was created.
$updated_mp = $sdk->updateMarketplaceInfo($data);
echo $updated_mp;
POST /api/v2/rewrite-rules
$data = [
'Key' => 'string',
'Value' => 'string'
$res = $sdk->customiseURL($data)
echo $res;
Field Definitions:
- The custom URL slug'Value'
- The default URL slug to replace
GET /api/v2/merchants/{merchantID}/shipping-methods/
$shipping_methods = $sdk->getShippingMethods($merchantId);
echo $shipping_methods;
GET /api/v2/merchants/{adminID}/shipping-methods/
$delivery_rates = $sdk->getDeliveryRates();
echo $delivery_rates;
POST /api/v2/merchants/{merchantID}/shipping-methods
$data = [
'Courier' => 'string',
'Price' => 0, //required
'CombinedPrice' => 0,
'CurrencyCode' => 'string', //required
'Description' => 'string'
$new_shipping = $sdk->createShippingMethod($merchantId, $data);
echo $new_shipping;
- The merchant's GUID (string)$data
Field Definitions:
- The shipping method name'Price'
- Detailed explanations of how to use these 2 fields together is explained here.'CurrencyCode'
- The currency in which the shipping method operates, eg: USD or SGD'Description'
- Short description of the shipping method.
PUT /api/v2/merchants/{merchantID}/shipping-methods/{shippingmethodID}
$data = [
'Courier' => 'string',
'Price' => 0, //required
'CombinedPrice' => 0,
'CurrencyCode' => 'string', //required
'Description' => 'string'
$edited_shipping = $sdk->updateShippingMethod($merchantId, $shippingMethodId, $data)
echo $edited_shipping;
- The merchant's GUID (string)$shippingMethodId
- The shipping GUID to be edited (string)$data
Field Definitions:
- The shipping method name'Price'
- Detailed explanations of how to use these 2 fields together is explained here.'CurrencyCode'
- The currency in which the shipping method operates, eg: USD or SGD'Description'
- Short description of the shipping method.
DELETE /api/v2/merchants/{merchantID}/shipping-methods/{shippingmethodID}
$deleted_shipping = $sdk->deleteShippingMethod($merchantId, $shippingMethodId);
echo $deleted_shipping;
- The merchant's GUID (string)$shippingMethodId
- The shipping GUID to be deleted (string)
GET /api/v2/admins/{adminID}/custom-field-definitions/
$cf = $sdk->getCustomFields()
echo $cf['Records'];
GET /api/v2/packages/{packageID}/custom-field-definitions
$plugin_cf = $sdk->getPluginCustomFields($packageId);
echo $plugin_cf;
- The ID of the Plug-In (string)
POST /api/v2/admins/{adminID}/custom-field-definitions
$data = [
'Name' => 'string',
'IsMandatory' => true,
'SortOrder' => 0,
'DataInputType' => 'string',
'DataRegex' => 'string',
'MinValue' => 0,
'MaxValue' => 0,
'ReferenceTable' => 'string',
'DataFieldType' => 'string',
'IsSearchable' => true,
'IsSensitive' => true,
'Active' => true,
'Options' => [
'Name' => 'string'
$new_cf = $sdk->createCustomField($data);
echo $new_cf;
Field Definitions for $data
: All the field definitions for this request can be found here.
PUT /api/v2/admins/{adminID}/custom-field-definitions/{customfield-code}
$data = [
'Name' => 'string',
'IsMandatory' => true,
'SortOrder' => 0,
'DataInputType' => 'string',
'DataRegex' => 'string',
'MinValue' => 0,
'MaxValue' => 0,
'ReferenceTable' => 'string',
'DataFieldType' => 'string',
'IsSearchable' => true,
'IsSensitive' => true,
'Active' => true,
'Options' => [
'Name' => 'string'
$updated_cf = $sdk->updateCustomField($code, $data)
echo $updated_cf;
- The custom field code obtained after creating it/getting its definition
Field Definitions for $data
: All the field definitions for this request can be found here.
DELETE /api/v2/admins/{adminID}/custom-field-definitions/{custom-field-code}
$deleted_cf = $sdk->deleteCustomField($code);
echo $deleted_cf;
- The custom field code obtained after creating it/getting its definition
POST /api/v2/users/{buyerID}/invoices/carts
$data = [
'Cart Item ID #1', //the cart item ID
'Cart Item ID #2',
'Cart Item ID #3'
$generate_details = $sdk->generateInvoice($buyerId, $data);
echo $generate_details;
- The BUyer's GUID (string)$data
Field Definitions in $data
: the difference between an "item ID" and a "cart item ID" is explained here