- Two Sum Leetcode (Easy)
- Pair Sum CodeStudio (Easy)
- Kth Largest Element in an Array Leetcode (Easy)
- Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Leetcode (Easy)
- Move Zeros Leetcode (Easy)
- Contains Duplicate Leetcode (Easy)
- Unique Number of Occurrences Leetcode (Easy)
- Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 2 Leetcode (Medium)
- Sort Colors Leetcode (Medium)
- Maximum Subarray Leetcode (Medium)
- Count Primes Leetcode Math (Medium)
- Next Greater Element GFG (Medium)
- Maximum Subarray Sum codestudio (Hard)
- Reverse String Leetcode (Easy)
- Check Palindrome codestudio (Easy)
- First and Last Position of an Element In Sorted Array codestudio (Easy)
- Selection Sort codestudio (Easy)
- Bubble Sort codestudio (Easy)
- Insertion Sort codestudio (Easy)
- Factorial of a Number codestudio (Easy)
- Card Constructions codeforces