-> make clean
-> make qemu-nox SCHEDULER=[FLAG]
FLAG = RR,FCFS,PBS,MLFQ by default flag is RR
file | cmd | description |
setPriority.c | setPriority <new_priority> <pid> | to change priority of process with given pid |
time.c | time <process> | to check waitx |
tester.c | tester | for running with time as "time tester" tester contains benchmark.c |
tester_ps.c | tester_ps | tester + getps() |
tester_pbs.c | tester_pbs | to check PBS scheduling |
tester_mlfq.c | tester_mlfq | to check MLFQ scheduling |
- added ctime,etime,rtime,iotime in proc sturcture in proc.h file
- here is final extended proc struct
struct proc {
uint sz; // Size of process memory (bytes)
pde_t* pgdir; // Page table
char *kstack; // Bottom of kernel stack for this process
enum procstate state; // Process state
int pid; // Process ID
struct proc *parent; // Parent process
struct trapframe *tf; // Trap frame for current syscall
struct context *context; // swtch() here to run process
void *chan; // If non-zero, sleeping on chan
int killed; // If non-zero, have been killed
struct file *ofile[NOFILE]; // Open files
struct inode *cwd; // Current directory
char name[16]; // Process name (debugging)
int iotime; // sleep time
int rtime; // total run time
int ctime; // creation time
int etime; // end time
int waitshh;
int priority;
int num_run;
int qticks[5];
int tempa;
int queue;
int curr_ticks;
int change_q;
int enter;
int pbs_yield_flag;
- initialize basic terms when process is created in
function in proc.c
static struct proc*
p->ctime = ticks;
p->etime = 0;
p->rtime = 0;
p->iotime = 0;
p->waitshh = -1282128;
p->num_run = 0;
p->priority = 60; // default
#ifdef MLFQ
p->curr_ticks = 0;
p->queue = 0;
p->enter = 0;
for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
p->qticks[i] = 0;
- udpated etime(exit time) in
function in proc.c
curproc->state = ZOMBIE;
curproc->etime = ticks;
- created a function
to update ticks for all procs in proc.c and accessed in trap.c-
void ticking(){ for(struct proc *p=ptable.proc; p<&ptable.proc[NPROC]; ++p){ if(p->state == RUNNING){ p->rtime++; } if(p->state == SLEEPING){ p->iotime++; } } }
void trap(struct trapframe *tf) { ... case T_IRQ0 + IRQ_TIMER: if(cpuid() == 0){ acquire(&tickslock); ticks++; wakeup(&ticks); release(&tickslock); ticking(); } lapiceoi(); break; ... }
- after updating all fields required for waitx, added same code oa wait but added 2 more line
waitx(int *wtime, int *rtime)
if(p->state == ZOMBIE){
// Found one.
*rtime = p->rtime ;
*wtime = p->etime - p->ctime - p->rtime - p->iotime;
pid = p->pid;
- Test file > time.c ; cmd
time <process>
- extended struct proc in proc.h mentioned in
part - System call > set_getps in sysproc.c
int sys_getps(void) { return getps(); }
- User call > getps in proc.c
int getps(void) { struct proc *p; int ret = -1; acquire(&ptable.lock); #ifndef MLFQ cprintf("Name\tPID\tPriority State \tr_time\tw_time\ts_time\n"); #endif #ifdef MLFQ cprintf("Name\tPID\tPriority State \tr_time\tw_time\ts_time\tn_run\tcur_q\t q0\tq1\tq2\tq3\tq4\n"); #endif for (p = ptable.proc; p < &ptable.proc[NPROC]; ++p) { #ifndef MLFQ if (p->state == SLEEPING) { cprintf("%s \t %d \t %d \t SLEEPING \t %d \t %d \t %d\n", p->name, p->pid, p->priority, p->rtime, ticks - p->ctime - p->rtime -p->iotime,p->iotime); } else if (p->state == RUNNING) { cprintf("%s \t %d \t %d \t RUNNING \t %d \t %d \t %d\n", p->name, p->pid, p->priority, p->rtime, ticks - p->ctime - p->rtime -p->iotime,p->iotime); } else if (p->state == RUNNABLE) { cprintf("%s \t %d \t %d \t RUNNABLE \t %d \t %d \t %d\n", p->name, p->pid, p->priority, p->rtime, ticks - p->ctime - p->rtime -p->iotime,p->iotime); } else if (p->state == ZOMBIE) { cprintf("%s \t %d \t %d \t ZOMBIE \t %d \t %d \t %d\n", p->name, p->pid, p->priority, p->rtime, p->etime - p->ctime - p->rtime -p->iotime,p->iotime); } #endif #ifdef MLFQ if (p->state == SLEEPING) { cprintf("%s \t %d \t %d \t SLEEPING \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %d\n", p->name, p->pid, p->priority, p->rtime, ticks - p->ctime - p->rtime -p->iotime,p->iotime,p->num_run,p->queue,p->qticks[0],p->qticks[1],p->qticks[2],p->qticks[3],p->qticks[4]); } else if (p->state == RUNNING) { cprintf("%s \t %d \t %d \t RUNNING \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %d\n", p->name, p->pid, p->priority, p->rtime, ticks - p->ctime - p->rtime -p->iotime,p->iotime,p->num_run,p->queue,p->qticks[0],p->qticks[1],p->qticks[2],p->qticks[3],p->qticks[4]); } else if (p->state == RUNNABLE) { cprintf("%s \t %d \t %d \t RUNNABLE \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %d\n", p->name, p->pid, p->priority, p->rtime, ticks - p->ctime - p->rtime -p->iotime,p->iotime,p->num_run,p->queue,p->qticks[0],p->qticks[1],p->qticks[2],p->qticks[3],p->qticks[4]); } else if (p->state == ZOMBIE) { cprintf("%s \t %d \t %d \t ZOMBIE \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %d\n", p->name, p->pid, p->priority, p->rtime, p->etime - p->ctime - p->rtime -p->iotime,p->iotime,p->num_run,-1,p->qticks[0],p->qticks[1],p->qticks[2],p->qticks[3],p->qticks[4]); } #endif } release(&ptable.lock); return ret; }
- it is already present as default in xv6
- adding in scheduler.c
- finding a new process with min
for (p = ptable.proc; p < &ptable.proc[NPROC]; p++) { if (p->state != RUNNABLE) continue; if (to_run_proc == 0) to_run_proc = p; else if (p->ctime < to_run_proc->ctime) to_run_proc = p; }
- removed in trap.c
#ifndef FCFS yield(); #endif
- finding a new process with min
adding in scheduler.c
- finding a new process with min
and if proiority is same then minp->ctime
for (p = ptable.proc; p < &ptable.proc[NPROC]; p++) { if (p->state != RUNNABLE) continue; if (to_run_proc == 0) to_run_proc = p; else if (p-> priority < to_run_proc-> priority) { if(p-> priority == to_run_proc-> priority) { if(p->ctime < to_run_proc->ctime){ to_run_proc = p; } } else { to_run_proc = p; } } }
- finding a new process with min
also made a syscall
in sysproc.c andset_priority
in proc.c-
int sys_set_priority(void) { int pid, priority; if (argint(0, &pid) < 0) return -1; if (argint(1, &priority) < 0) return -1; return set_priority(pid, priority); }
int set_priority(int pid, int priority) { struct proc *p; int to_yield = 0, old_priority = 0; for (p = ptable.proc; p < &ptable.proc[NPROC]; p++) { if(p->pid == pid) { to_yield = 0; acquire(&ptable.lock); old_priority = p->priority; p->priority = priority; cprintf("Changed priority of process with PID %d from %d to %d\n", p->pid, old_priority, p->priority); if (old_priority > p->priority) to_yield = 1; release(&ptable.lock); break; } } if (to_yield == 1) yield(); return old_priority; }
- some supporting functions used for MLFQ
- adding a process
in queueq_no
int add_proc_to_q(struct proc *p, int q_no) { // checking queue for(int i=0; i < q_tail[q_no]; i++) { if(p->pid == queue[q_no][i]->pid) return -1; } // cprintf("Process with PID %d added to Queue %d\n", p->pid, q_no); p->enter = ticks; p -> queue = q_no; q_tail[q_no]++; queue[q_no][q_tail[q_no]] = p; return 1; }
- removing a process
from queueq_no
int remove_proc_from_q(struct proc *p, int q_no) { int proc_found = 0, rem = 0; for(int i=0; i <= q_tail[q_no]; i++) { if(queue[q_no][i] -> pid == p->pid) { // cprintf("Process with PID %d found in Queue %d\n", p->pid, q_no); rem = i; proc_found = 1; break; } } if(proc_found == 0) { // cprintf("ERROR : REMOVE_Q : no Process with pid %d found in Queue %d\n", p->pid, q_no); return -1; } for(int i = rem; i < q_tail[q_no]; i++) queue[q_no][i] = queue[q_no][i+1]; q_tail[q_no] -= 1; // cprintf("Process with PID %d is removed from Queue %d\n", p->pid, q_no); return 1; }
- for checking a change of queue is required
void change_q_flag(struct proc* p) { acquire(&ptable.lock); p-> change_q = 1; release(&ptable.lock); }
- for updating curr_tick of a process
void incr_curr_ticks(struct proc *p) { acquire(&ptable.lock); p->curr_ticks++; p->qticks[p->queue]++; release(&ptable.lock); }
- adding a process
- if curr_ticks in a queue > q_ticks_max_value of it moves a queue downward code in trap.c
if(myproc()->curr_ticks >= q_ticks_max[myproc()->queue]) { change_q_flag(myproc()); // cprintf("Process with PID %d on Queue %d yielded out as ticks completed = %d\n", myproc()->pid, myproc()->queue, myproc()->curr_ticks); yield(); } else { incr_curr_ticks(myproc()); // cprintf("Process with PID %d continuing on Queue %d with current tick now being %d\n", myproc()->pid, myproc()->queue, myproc()->curr_ticks); }
- when age of a process is more than 30 it move a queue upward for removing starvation problem code in proc.c
for(int i=1; i < 5; i++) { for(int j=0; j <= q_tail[i]; j++) { struct proc *p = queue[i][j]; int age = ticks - p->enter; if(age > 30) { remove_proc_from_q(p, i); // cprintf("Process %d moved up to queue %d due to age time %d at %d\n", p->pid, i-1, age, ticks); add_proc_to_q(p, i-1); } } }
time tester
(waitx) command wtime and rtime includes only running and waiting time fortime
process not for fork running in it thats why i printed there individual finishing time (total time) -
although wtime, rtime and total_time for
time tester
in each scheduling are mentioned belowflag wtime rtime s_time total_time RR 3 17 24355 2455 FCFS 5 1 4220 4226 PBS 6 15 2422 2444 MLFQ 5 1 2404 2410 total time = waiting_time + running_time + sleeping_time -
order on basis of finishing time
a huge difference in FCFS and other is due to non-preemitive implementation in FCFS
FCFS has largest finishing time as there is no preemption and if a process with larger time comes first all the rest processes have to starve for cpu execution.
PBS and RR have almost same finishing time. In PBS is any two and more processes are given same priority then they would also act as FCFS but with preemption and in RR after every particular time slice so not process would starve for CPU. Thus, both have less finishing time is than FCFS.
MLFQ has the least time as there are many queues with different priorities and a process which takes more CPU time is shifted to less priority queue and also prevents starvation by aging i.e shifting to upper queues after some fixed time. Thus, it takes the least time.
- As asked in point 5 of procedure, If a process voluntarily relinquishes control of the CPU, it leaves the queuing network, and when the process becomes ready again after the I/O, it is inserted at the tail of the same queue, from which it is relinquished earlier. This can be exploited by a process, as just when the time-slice is about to expire, the process can voluntarily relinquish control of the CPU, and get inserted in the same queue again. If it ran as normal, then due to time-slice getting expired, it would have been preempted to a lower priority queue. The process, after exploitation, will remain in the higher priority queue, so that it can run again sooner that it should have. In the other words a process can ensure to remain in higher priority queue by increasing the number of I/O processes (for example printing garbage on the terminal).
here Queue number
means process is not started yet and not present in any queue -
here Queue number
means process is finished and not present in any queue -
: is parent process -
: if (i-1)th child process of P1 -
look at graph in google sheet here for better comparision
there is no graph with process
- reason: getting this as ouput when printing logs for queue swaping, which is must to collect data to create graph
lapicid 0: panic: acquire 80104f31 801007c2 80103a05 80103a9f 8010472f 80100a25 80102794 8010648f 80106264 8010301f
- files changed
- proc.c
- proc.h
- trap.c
- defs.h
- syscall.c
- syscall.h
- sysproc.c
- user.h
- usys.S
- added testers files
- time.c
- tester.c
- tester_ps.c
- tester_pbs.c
- tester_mlfq.c
- setPriority.c
- code description
- question asked
- graph
- Others
- graph_log_unfilter.txt
- graph_log.txt
- graph.png
- RRt.png
- FCFSt.png
- PBSt.png
- MLFQt.png