This version of KYBER is not up to date. Be on the lookout for the KYBER V2 update, which has been under private development, with a whole host of new and improved features.
A hosted version of Kyber is available at kyber.gg, where I operate proxies for server data that alleviate the issue of port forwarding and IP security.
What's done:
- Server starting
- Networking
- Direct proxy support
- NAT Punch-Through system
- In-Game server browser
- Per-player team swapping
- Player kicking/moderation
- Optimal proxy detection
What isn't done:
- Built-in mod verification (currently handled at the proxy level, meaning it's unavailable if you direct-connect)
- Kick messages (currently if you are kicked by the server admin you just get sent back to the menu with no indication of why)
- UX/UI Styling (WIP)
- Player banning
- Database handling at the proxy level
If you want to use Kyber purely without a proxy (port forwarding and having people connect to your IP), the rewrite (this) is completely usable for that, feel free to build Kyber and inject it with the new launcher (/Launcher, will need a few modifications to run your own dll).
Stars and PRs are welcome!
Kyber utilizes the following open-source projects: