Installation instructions:
The armor-gui wallet was built with Qt. You need to install the qtbase5-dev package to run it:
$> sudo apt install qtbase5-dev
from your home directory:
$> mkdir armor-gui
download the release:
$> wget
extract it:
$> tar -xvzf armor-gui-v0.1.2-linux64.tar.gz -C armor-gui
run armor-gui:
$> cd armor-gui
$armor-gui> ./armor-gui
in the graphic user interface select the Wallet
if you're restoring an existing wallet:
select: Restore Amethyst wallet from mnemonic
enter your seed phrase
enter a name for your new wallet file
create a password for your wallet file
the gui wallet should connect to the wallet and armor daemons and start downloading and syncing the blockchain
this could take some time. see progress bar at the bottom of the window
if you're creating a new wallet:
select: Create Amethyst wallet file
make a note of the wallet seed. it can be used to recover your wallet
enter a name for your new wallet file
create a password for your wallet file
the first address of your new deterministic wallet will be shown at the top of the screen
the gui wallet should connect to the wallet and armor daemons and start downloading and syncing the blockchain
this could take some time. see progress bar at the bottom of the window
Virus check:
MD5 86af29daf007fdcee622ef68b5490069
SHA-1 dabe73f0c3fd334ef812301eaae8e21586354a6d
SHA-256 f70440b19404ba01b3e05b1292d0bc96e5daf3283b0eb71019ff53356a23f541