A Java Swing/AWS based GUI application that is written in Scala using SBT. The app makes HTTP requests to the Zendesk API to retrieve account tickets displayed in either a summary table or full details format.
- Scala v2.12.0
- OpenJDK Version 8
- SBT v1.3.0 or greater
- jEnv v0.5.2 or greater
Please Install SBT, Scala and Java via MacOS Brew.
Scala Installation
brew install scala
SBT Installation
brew install sbt
Java Installation
brew tap AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk
brew cask install adoptopenjdk8
Java Version 8 is required to run this application or else it will not compile. It is preferable for you to install and use jEnv to automatically set your java environment versions.
- Download the repository to your local machine with the following code.
git clone https://github.com/AroneSusau/Zendesk-Coding-Challenge
- Navigate to the v2 repository directory in your MacOS Terminal or equivalent command line application.
- Run the application with the following command.
sbt clean run