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The Array Universe


The Portal to The Array The Array is a limitless virtual universe . A universe restricted only by your imagination. The Array is powered by blockchain technology that governs all economy based functions. All commerce inside the Array rely on the value variable “units” . The Array runs on a decentralized p2p network with no centralized point of failure or authority


The Array is a limitless virtual universe . A universe restricted only by your imagination. The Array is powered by blockchain technology that governs all economy based functions. All commerce inside the Array rely on the value variable “units” . The Array runs on a decentralized p2p network with no centralized point of failure or authority

The Array

Consensus reality is that which is generally agreed to be reality, based on a consensus view

The appeal to consensus arises from the fact that humans do not fully understand or agree upon the nature of knowledge or ontology, often making it uncertain what is real, given the vast inconsistencies between individual subjectivity. The Array is a new reality. Some might say virtual reality.

Enough people agree and designate it as their reality. Then it becomes something truly NEW.

As the Array evolves things really start getting exciting.A shift in humanities Consensus of reality. Our species yearns for the limitless. That is what the Array will bring. A limitless reality. No matter your situation physically or financially all things can be experienced inside the Array. Life in its highest volume is just within your grasp.

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Albert Einstein said this almost a Century ago. He knew something like the Array was coming. A point in time our species could dictate the conditions of our reality. What if one could determine the conditions in how they interact with life? More specifically how life and society interact? A person could choose their gender ,race or even species. Why even choose such terrestrial classification like gender ,race or species? Create a new classification for yourself. Suddenly our society is void of manysocietal non-starters. Variables that are placed upon us at birth. The Array is choices. You can choose how to live out your life. In a not to distant future. How to live out a thousand lives in the Array? This important question will be revisited later on after we have conquered the present.

A Universe void of the failures and shortcomings of the milky way galaxyThe Array is free of centralization

Most can agree when talking about the establishment of a perfect reality one should start with decentralization at the core. Most can also agree the physical world we know is not free. Its very restrictive by the framework of politics, societal, and laws of the physical universe. We are tethered to the earth like a ball and chain by gravity. Laws of physics stifle our abilities to be truly free. Scientist strive to unlock the secrets of the universe to empower our abilities tocontrol these restriction. Why battle what seems to be an unwinnable rigged game we know as our universe and reality? The answers to a truly free universe and reality is to build a better one. This startswith understanding the failures of the reality we are leaving behind and not repeat them. Transcending and evolving towards a perfect reality will start with Rectifying the failures of our departed reality.

Why travel light years away? Why spend trillions to travel to mars only to find a world at its end?A better solution is here. Build a better Universe in INNER-Space.

Why the Array over the dozens of centralized studios aiming for alternate realities?Think most can agree the answer is very simple.

Why bitcoin over centralized money printing nation backed fiat. In the race to create a globally adopted Alternate Reality , Virtual Reality, Micro-Verse, Open world, yada yada yada whatever you want to call them. We prefer to reference the Array for what it is. We just call the Array a NEW reality / New Universe. Eventually just the reality. The Array is the first reality powered by decentralized blockchain technology and overall decentralized p2p network. The Array is built and maintained by decentralized developers soon to be in the hundreds of independent “Architects” working together to create and maintain the limitless reality of the future. Leveraging the knowledge and power of open source. The Array being open source provides a limitlesspool of the brightest minds coming together to work on a unified generally agreed upon reality.

Host an Array Node...Get UNITSIf you have the hardware resources to host an Array FULL portal node you will be issued UNITS per Citizen per 24 hour complete cycle.

The current Beta limit are 1000 Citizens per node. Each full Node will sync to current Array core Block Height or current block before being able to link to the Array Node pool , thus linking all Nodes together to a singular reality. The requirement for each node to be SYNCED renders hacking, cheating and vulnerabilities NULL Not possible. Never ending and running forward in time or “Block height”. Always LIVE ...

Life moving forward A universe we can embrace pure creation and freedom, decentralized democracy and sovereignty ... The Array

One of the most important thing everyone must understand about the Array is the term ZEROED OUTZEROED OUTZEROED OUT -means you have been Deresolutioned, Defeated, Killed , Died, Pwned , Owned, Clapped ,Ghosted

If you are ZEROED OUT you will be redirected to the Birthing lobby to be reborn into the Array with a New UNITS address. All your possessions including your UNITS are available to the Array Citizen who defeated you.

NOTE: if you are Deresolutioned,Defeated, Killed , Died from anything other than direct battle you have a chance to return to the place of your demise and recover your possessions

The First Blockchain Value system that is distributed in a New Reality . The Array is the first of its kind reality that couples blockchain and a new reality to distribute its value system “UNITS”.

The rise of meta-verses , virtual reality , alternative reality and Openworlds are in full swing. The Array has no intention of being classified as any of these “Game” type classifications . The Array is Life just on a new spectrum. That is not to say you cannot play games in The Array. Ever conceivable game will be present inside the Array. A million plus other experiences can also take place in the Array. Some never before seen game modes will certainly be created inside the array.

The Heart of the Array Economy: Three-Dimensional Non-Euclidean Eccentric LithosphereRepository “TDNEELR” & “Transaction Mediator “TM”Three-Dimensional Non-Euclidean Eccentric Lithosphere Repository .

We know its a mouthful. Its a very verbose way of saying the implementation of the Core blockchain technology into the Array itself. Verbose by design the TDNEELR provides massive anonymous functions and provides no centralized point of application security vulnerabilities. The governing power of the Array is never in one place to be vulnerable. Every second the Array is issuing million of transactions per second from millions of TM accounts just beneath the surface of all processes rendered in the Array. Better to imagine it like the churning of the magma in the core of a planet. To avoid centralized point failure the Arrays TDNEELR never hold UNITS in one address but spread vastly across millions of transaction accounts. It is an intentionally verbose custody system that the TD pulls from to complete all transaction in the Array. This is a security function that gives no one target to be stolen. The wealth of the Array is spread out in very small amounts over millions and one day trillions of accounts. Through these completely randomized and erratic system the Array is able to obfuscate your UNITS in a mater of seconds with NO FEE, No Waiting and never having to leave the Array to do so.

The Birth of living in the internetAt current most humans experience the internet as observers. We watch it. The Array will allow you to walk, talk and touch the internet.

The Array will allow you to experience the internet interactively as a participant or a step further live in the Internet. Imagine your favorite website. Imagine being inside theDOMAIN or website rather than looking at it. Its hard for some to fathom but that is exactly the functionality the Array will pioneer.

An economical solution for a bi-reality existence Our society spends more time communicating and interacting with one another in one digital interface or another.

Video Games are by far the most absorptive interface. Many spend half their life with ZERO financial incentive. The Array is powered by blockchain technology that governs all economy based functions. All commerce inside the Array rely on the value variable “UNITS” . Units can be earned ,traded or TAKEN. When you battle in the Array you are risking all you have ever accumulated in the Array. When you work in the Array you are paid in UNITS. All commerce activity uses UNITS. UNITS can interface with physical world value systems such as Bitcoin thus making the Array a first ever true to life reality.

Can the Array be Cloned? Open Source does not mean vulnerable to copy cats and spin off clones. Can the Array be cloned and turned into a “Shit Coin” spin off project.

Short answer NO. Even though the Array is open source great effort has been taken on the foundation of the Array’s development to ensure the hard work of thousands can NOT be misappropriated. All Array foundational infrastructure has been encrypted to key files making the Array Core as iron clade as the Bitcoin network itself. The breakthrough is the ability to build superficial and experience based updates on top of the foundation without ever opening up the Arrays foundations to vulnerabilities. For an update to take place on the Array core developers “Architects” have to approve it. This means No one person can alter the Array without the majority vote. As the “Architects” core developers grow in numbers so will the strength of the Array’s decentralized democracy and sovereignty.Another one great way to see the big picture is. Most “Game” studios who are attempting to pioneer multi-verses or openwolrd employ around 20-100 developers to build these experiences. The Array willbe developed and maintained by thousands. Eventually tens of thousands and beyond. There is no cap on how many developers can contribute to the Array. In our opinion this streamlines the entire virtual world ecosystem. Imagine a vast majority of the global gaming development pool focusing on one unified effort. Even with 10-100 decentralized developers the Array can surpass every centralized competitor but the fact the Array can accommodate limitless developers and streamline workflow is a revolutionary concept in itself. Why develop for the Array? For some it will be UNITS for others developing for the Array provides a unique pure creation experience that is void in centralized companies and studios. Being able to work from home or independently but as a collective of a bigger effort is very appealing. Building the a better reality and a brighter future might be the greatest reward.

hap·tic nounplural noun: haptics

the use of technology that stimulates the senses of touch and motion, especially to reproduce in remote operation or computer simulation the sensations that would be felt by a user interacting directly with physical objects.Shedding or Carbons: The Birth of Binary-Based Life forms

VR & Haptics Hardware : Touching and Feeling the ARRAY

The first builds of the Array will offer Full Virtual Reality hardware compatibility with Oculus Quest 2 Valve Index , HTC Vive Cosmos Elite and several others. Over time our ability to enhance the Array with haptic hardware will rival the physical reality. Full body Haptic suits will allow you to feel the Array. Swimming in the oceans of the Array or Hugging a loved one on the other side of the Globe willtranscend humanities connectivity with touch and feel Array haptic hardware .

Buy in the Array and Delivered to your doorstep.Array to physical world commerce will take place inside.

E-commerce will never be the same again. One can interact in a true to life virtual store and receive human to virtual customer service. Customer can pay in UNITS and two business days later receive the purchase item on their physical doorstep.

Array natural resources, elements and building

The Array is full a familiar resources such as wood, iron , gold and many more. These resources can be mined or harvested to be used in commerce or building. The Array has an advanced building and resource system integrated to be exchanged for UNITS.

Trade p2p barter or trade can be done through a system in the Array known as Merchant inventory.

Merchant inventory is a way for every Array Citizen to create a trade-able inventory and set price/quantity . The merchant inventory can be loaded into a storefront you own in ant marketplace throughout the Array. You must own a storefront to have your merchant inventory available 24/7 without you being located inthe marketplace. Everyone in the Array are free to trade with one another. All p2p trades can be done inSNDTZ . Citizens can trade items for UNITS or item for item. You are free to conduct trade however you like.


What you do in the Array is your business. Privacy is paramount in the Array. The decentralization of all aspects of the Array render the highest level of privacy for an Array Citizen. Array Obfuscation will render your UNITS completely anonymous if you choose to do so. To our knowledge this is the first of its kind Obfuscation method using Three-Dimensional Non-Euclidean Eccentric LithosphereRepository “TDNEELR” & “Transaction Mediator “TM”

Array Obfuscation

Array Obfuscation is a function built into your Array inventory that allows you to obfuscate your UNITS instantly . No waiting! No coinjoins! No FEES! How does it work? The Array TDNEELR & TM transactions core is generating thousands of transaction every second. When you move your UNITS into the Obfuscation section of your equipment inventory you are sending your UNITS into that vast transaction pool and when you DROP your units from the Obfuscation tab you are dropping Obfuscated UNITS. Pick them up and carry on with your life in the Array.

Array Zones

The Array has zones that define what activity can happen in that area. Three key zones to make note of.Battlefields – Take Damage Zones, Social - No Damage Taken Zones, Habitable - Building Zones.Social - No Damage Taken Zones “ SNDTZ” : Are commons areas. Typically you will find all marketplaces, learning centers, event arenas , discos/dance clubs/night clubs/bars in the Array are SNDTZ . In this zone you are free to be social and not to worry about danger or getting ZEROEDBattlefields - Take Damage Zones “BTDZ” are areas you can take damage and die “ZEROED”.Pretty straight forward with this zone. Be aware if you get ZEROED you lose all your Array possessions including UNITS to the person defeats youHabitable - Building Zones “HBZ” are areas you can build bases, research/manufacturing/mining/mining processing/storage/motor pool/ facilities . You can craft as many facilities as you want but be aware all HBZ are located in BTDZ. Every facility you make you must also defend from pirates, raiders and scavengers.

Multi and Event Zones

Multi zones can be a mixture of the three primary zones SNDTZ, BTDZ, HBZEvent Zones are specialty zones that have specific rules to the event or battle perimeters.Some examples of Event Zones would be:Minimum UNITS to enter – Meaning you would need to meet the minimum UNITS to be granted access to this battle zone. This will ensure all are risking the same UNITS in these ZonesSnipers ONLY- pretty straight forward. Only sniper long range weapons are able to be used. Not all event Zones will be tailored for battle . Social event will also be abundant. Some include live concert that might be themed or formal dress events. All Zones will be clearly marked and buffered to ensure you are fully aware of what Zone you are entering.Above are some basic examples of zones. There will be hundreds if not thousands multi or event Zones

Minerals, Mining and Crafting

Minerals and resources such as Gold, Silver, Wood and Iron to name a very small few that will be available in the Array. Resources can be harvest/mined using specific tools and generators.Resources can be sold for UNITS or traded for other resources or items using Merchant inventory system.


p2p barter or trade can be done through a system in the Array known as Merchant inventory. Merchant inventory is a way for every Array Citizen to create a trade-able inventory and set price/quantity . The merchant inventory can be loaded into a storefront you own in any marketplace throughout the Array. You must own a storefront to have your merchant inventory available 24/7 without you being located inthe marketplace. Everyone in the Array are free to trade with one another. All p2p trades can be done inSNDTZ . Citizens can trade items for UNITS or item for item. You are free to conduct trade however you like

Distribution of UNITS upon launch

How will a person obtain UNITS? The Array blockchain is powered by POS-Proof of Stake (PoS) and LITA. Most will be familiar with POS. If you are unaware please reference here. LITA is a first ever mechanism to distribute a blockchains value system “UNITS” . LITA “Live, In, The, Array” .If you live in the Array and take part in Array Life you will accumulate UNITS. Participate in the life the Array provides and you will get UNITS. UNITS gained from the Array can be staked. You will be rewarded for powering the Array blockchain CORE. Some will Battle for their UNITS. Some will choose to mine the resources of the Array to be exchange for UNITS. One might craft items from that mined minerals or elements from one of the many planets and solar systems the Array has to offer in exchange for UNITS. There will be many opportunities to gain UNITS in the Array for the motivated. Some might choose to purchase UNITS. Our society has never seen anything like the Array before. There will be millions of ways to get UNITS in the Array. Get lost and find them.Many are building OpenWorld and Multi-verses. Their target is for entertainment. Their motivationsare mostly monetarily. They are building GAMES. The Array is entertaining but our target is to createLIFE and another Universe for the practical application of limitless LIFE . Transcending our speciesand the creation of a perfect reality is the motivation.

Is the Array an OpenWorld or Multi-verse?

To answer both. Yes and NO. The Array can be classified as an OpenWorld cause it has no matches or time limit. It is limitless to scale to an extent. The first live beta builds for public participation will be limited to a 4 planet system. This is due to the Array being the first EVER decentralized virtual reality, meta-verse, Open World or whatever you want to call it. To call the Array any of them would be doing the Array a great disservice . The Array is life! Not like anyone has seen before. The decentralized nature coupled with the BTC compatibility of the value system UNITS. Nothing like the Array has everexisted. If this concept makes the hairs on the back of your head rise .Do not be alarmed . Just means you understand the big picture.

How is time measured in the Array?

Is their AM or PM?Day and Night cycles will mimic the Earth rotation ONLY on the Arrays home capital planet. Arrays home world is meant to mimic earth to give Citizens a familiar environment to acclimate to life in the Array.
Every Citezen born into the Array will take their first steps in the Capital of the Array. Block time or Block Height of the Array blockchain is how time is kept in the Array. This method it not just a measurement of time in the Array . It is also a HUGE security features. Every node running the Array must be synced to gain access to the Array. This makes hacking ,hijacking or manipulation of the the Array impossible

Community and Goals

Building the Array is the easy part .Building a community of innovators with their hearts and souls in the right place is the real challenge ahead of us. Decentralized communities are the backbone of any decentralized project. Without the collective you just have centralization. No one person will have swayover the Array. It owns itself and is given insight on direction from the community. After the foundation is laid and the Array is self governed the direction of the Array will belong to everyone and no one. It will be as autonomous as the milky way galaxy itself. As it grow so will its capabilities

Bi-Reality Economy

“BRE”An economy based on variables from two plans of existence. The basic reality you were physical born into and The Array encompass the BRE

Real-time Inflationary Array Response “RIAR”

Imagine a prefect value system. A system that adjusts value based on availability , volume , movement and a dozen other factors that define an economy. Inflation is the killer of stability. Block chain offers aunique ability to track real time economy of the Array and UNITS. Through a first of a kind system built specifically for the Array. We are able to allow the Array to self govern it’s value system “UNITS”. The key values fed to the Array through vast API sourcing provides all the data required for the Array to self govern value of ALL items in the Array. The RIAR “Real-time Inflationary Array Response” will give the Array a first of a kind level of autonomy and sovereignty. RIAR does not trackarray citizens personal data ONLY the Array’s bi-reality economy data both physical and digital reality. “RIAR” pulls data from all market in the “BRE”

Triple checks and balance power system

“The Guild” Guardians, Architects and Watchers . Superficial, Quality and Performance Updates


Guardians are the top 1,000 Array Citizens who hold the highest balance of UNITS.

The Guardians have the ability to Vote on Array Architects.


Architects are the core developers of the Array. The Architects maintain and develop Array core systems. There is no limit to the number of Array Architects. 80% of the Architects must all agree, validate and vote for updates before pushed to the Array Core systems.


Watchers are voted on and confirmed by the Guardians. Their function is to watch the Architects for irregularities in character or performance.Watchers can vote to remove

Prepare for all situations however unlikely

Array Inflationary Burn protocol

if such a time arises when the UNITS is in a high inflation period in the BRE. The Transaction Mediator can initiate a UNITS burn. This function ONLY can proceed with majority vote of YES by the Guardians

Hardware Requirements

to participate in the first builds of the Array you will need a MINIMUM Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit / Processor: Quad-core Intel or AMD, 2.5 GHz or faster
Memory: 8 GB RAM Video Card/DirectX Version: DirectX 11 or DirectX 12 compatible graphics card . As the Array evolves so will the hardware requirements to interface with the Array. If your hardware is lacking please be patient while we evolve.

Custodians are temporary administrators of Array systems tell “The Guild” is established and reaches a level of proficiency.

Every member of “The Guild” has the right to their Anonymity and can be as public or private as they choose. The only identifiable information that is validated and used as a reference to your classification is you Array UNITS address.

No member of the Guild or Custodians will EVER ask for your personal information.

Your Identity and privacy is at the highest level importance set forth by the foundational constants inside the Array and all organizational frame worksset forth. Your are free to be anyone and no one in the ArrayThe Array has NO boarders. It has NO owners. It is for everyone to come together and build a better reality Perfect and void of centralized control. A place for collaboration and creation. For love and community. For battles and victory. For everything we can imagine and things not fathomed .Winners and Losers are going to be defined. Hearts will be broken and friendships will flourish.

Life will happen in the Array.

Title: A Paper 01,By: Custodians

Stay up to date with A Paper .More “A Papers” to be released to keep the community up to date

The Array is powered by decentralized democratic and sovereign network


The Array Universe






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