This project is a combination of a React frontend and a Django backend. This is a movies website where a user or movie critic can create an account and can see or post his own reviews for a movie .
You can view the frontend over
Some Developer Side features to this project are :-
User Authentication
- Email and password athentication
- Email verification with otp
- Change password functionality to loggin users
- Reset password with a link sent to email for those who forgot their passwords
Home Page
- Search Bar to Search with name and description set to movie CTRL+M shortcut to search
- Filters based on language,Rating ,Release Year ,Platform
- Latest and Popular movies horizontal list with pagination
- All Movies grid with pagination
- Movie card having click to view details functionality
Profile Page
- User Infomation(profile picture,first name,last name,gender,Dob,Mobile,About Movie life) which can be updated
- All reviews made by the user
- User's Favorite Movies
- Account Settings: Log out, Change password
Movie Page
- All Movie details
- Add to Favorite feature
- Add review
- Like or dislike a Review
- Reply to a review
- Delete Your reply
- Reccomended movies based on users favorite movies
Follow these instructions to get the project up and running on your local machine.
Activate Virtual Environment:
# On Windows python -m venv venv .\venv\Scripts\activate # On macOS/Linux python -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate
Install Backend Dependencies:
pip install Django # Add other backend dependencies as needed, you can see pipfile to know more
Install Frontend Dependencies:
# Navigate to the frontend directory cd frontend # Install Node.js packages npm install
- Run the project locally as mentioned in Development Part
- But you wont see any movies there because you havent yet added any movie to your rest api / database
- So first Scrape the movies webiste ,get data and post to your api , You may use my scraping file(bs4) for that if I dont delete it when you are reading this
Make sure the virtual environment is activated, and then run the following commands:
# Run Django server
python makemigrations
python migrate
python runserver
# Navigate to the frontend directory and start React development server
cd frontend
npm start
Frontend is deployed on github pages on repo .
Backend is deployed on Python Anywhere and repo