Releases: ArthurBeaulieu/OstrichRemover
Releases · ArthurBeaulieu/OstrichRemover
Error update 1.5.0
- commands minor improvements ;
- better MP3 support in fill mode ;
- 38 errors for a single track.
Web update 1.4.0
- Better d3js usage to display graph ;
- Responsive interface ;
- Error handling in user interface ;
- Local storage preferences ;
- 29 errors for a single track.
Meta analyzis 1.3.0
- Meta analysis mode that reads scan dumps and compile data for explotation ;
- Web interface support for meta analysis JSON dumps ;
- d3js graphs made from meta analysis JSON dataset ;
- 29 errors for a single track.
Fill and clean modes 1.2.0
- Fill mode to add tag to file depending on how they are named ;
- Clean mode that erase all tags in ever file for a given path ;
- 27 errors for a single track.
Additional tests 1.1.0
- Producer tag handling ;
- Label tag handling ;
- Album Artist tag handling ;
- Cover format and size ;
- 27 errors for a single track.
OstrichRemover 1.0.0
Features :
- Complete scanning process and error check ;
- Verbose output (display track errors as a tree after scan) ;
- JSON dump (as a
option) ; - Basic web view for JSON dumps ;
- 19 errors for a single track.