Project of recreating a Rock Paper and Scissors game using only HTML, CSS and JS.
From The Odin Project's curriculum.
📸 Screenshots:
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- JS
- Visual Studio Code
- Linux terminal
- Git and GitHub
- Used JS querySelector, createElement, ClassList.add.
- Used JS SetAttribute, appendChild, textContent.
- Used CSS3 flex to organize some div containers.
- Used CSS3 linear-gradient to customize body.
- Used Git and GitHub for project management.
- Better knowledge of Git and GitHub.
- Fair understanding of DOM Manipulation .
- Comfort use of browser's developer tools.
- A lot of minor things.
- I feel that commits were not regular enough.
- My commit messages are not perfect.
- It's not responsive, but there was no such requirment so I didn't make it.
👤 ArthurGC
- GitHub: ArthurFC