adds configurable workbench management commands to laravel
Include the artistan workbench package as a dependency in your composer.json
"require-dev": {
"artistan/workbench": "*"
Once you update your composer configuration, run composer install
to download the dependencies.
Add a ServiceProvider to your providers array in app/config/app.php
'providers' => array(
Finally, publish the configuration files via `php artisan config:publish artistan/workbench`.
Once you have published the configuration files, you can add your workbench package options to the config file in
* config for commands workbench:*
Command Line Interface
php artisan workbench:install
-d : destroy workbench directory and start over from scratch
-u : fetch the remote repositories
-m{string} : merge {remote name} with this branch locally
-c : skip composer install/update
-b : skip bower install
-p : skip publishing assets and configs
update storage permissions
get packages config ** de
$this->benchhelper->chStorage(); $packages = \Config::get('workbench::packages'); if($this->option('destroy')){ if ($this->confirm('Are you sure you want to remove all current workbench packages? [yes|no]')) { $this->benchhelper->destroy(); } } foreach($packages as $name=>$package){ echo "PACKAGE: $name\n"; if(isset($package['git'])){ $this->benchhelper->mkdir($name); $action = $this->benchhelper->getGit($name,$package); if($this->option('upstream')){ echo "upstream\n"; $this->benchhelper->getUpstream($name,$package,$this->option('merge')); } if(!$this->option('skipBower')){ $this->benchhelper->bower($name); } if(!$this->option('skipComposer')){ $this->benchhelper->composer($name,$action); } if(!$this->option('skipAssets')){ $this->call('asset:publish', array('--bench' => $name)); } if($this->option('publishConfigs') || $action=='install'){ // this should not be done all the time, first time only (install) $this->call('config:publish', array('argument' => $name, '--path' => 'workbench/'.$name.'/src/config')); } } echo "============================\n\n\n"; } if(!$this->option('skipBower')){ $this->benchhelper->bower(); } if(!$this->option('skipComposer')){ $this->benchhelper->composer(); // remove any packages from vendors directory that you are workbenching $this->benchhelper->composerVendorCleanup(array_keys($packages)); } //$this->call('command:name', array('argument' => 'foo', '--option' => 'bar'));