A browser for RadioBrowser
RadioBrowser² (Radio Browser Browser, or Radio Browser Squared) is a music add-on to browse the radio station list on radio-browser.info.
This plugin is still in an early stage. Here's what it can do and what's planned:
- List most voted stations
- List most clicked (trending) stations
- List recently clicked (recently played by others) stations
- List recently added/changed stations
- List all stations alphabetically
- Split lists in pages (50 stations each)
- Display station icon
- Display station tags, location and language (all in Genre section for now)
- Play the stations
- List stations by:
- Country
- State
- Language
- Tag
- Codec
- Let the user choose to sort stations
- Filter states by country
- Search stations by name and tags
- Add/remove stations to/from saved stations
- Vote for stations
- Localization:
- Of the main interface
- Of locations and countries
- Of tags, if possible
From v0.5.0 to v0.8.0, I included the pre-zipped add-on in the releases. From v0.8.1 onwards, you can install my repository from here.