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An online software to design custom balloon structure

main.js: This contains all the event listeners and adds interactivity and functionality to the html page

function handleBtns(btn, activate) [line 10 - 22]:

    * @function
    * @name handleBtns
    * @param {HTMLInputElement} btn The button to activate or disable
    * @param {boolean} activate what to do with the button, true means to activate it

function setBtns(structure) [line 30 - 77]:

     Function for activating or disabling buttons in the structure section based on structure selected
     (contains options like adding rows, inflate balloons etc)
    * @function
    * @name setBtns
    * @param {string} structure The structure whose buttons will be set

[line 83 - 106]:

    add some styling to show which section is selcted from the topbar(struttura,colori etc)

function lightOrDark(color) [line 115 - 153]:

    * Determines if a color code represents a dark or light color
    * @function
    * @name lightOrDark
    * @param {string} color - The color code value of an element's color or background color
    * @returns {string} color is light or dark

function getHue(H) [line 155 - 198]:

    technical function to get "hsl" values from hex color codes

function rgb2hex(rgb) [line 201}:

    technical function to convert "rgb" color code to "hex" code

function HSLToHex(h, s, l) [line 206 - 244]:

    technical function to convert HSL values to HEX

function createColorScheme(color) [line 252 - 306]:

     * creates a color scheme for the selected color
     * @function
     * @name createColorScheme
     * @params {string} color - Hex color code

[line 312 - 331]:

     Changing the value of the element with class name "selectedColor" whenever
     someone picks a color from the color input field.

function addRecentColor(container, color) [line 337 - 357]:

     Updating recent color section whenever a new color is selected

[line 360 - 385] :

     when a new initial color is selected updating the colorwheel and adding it to
     the recent color section

[line 390 - 405] :

     - eventlistener to the clean grid(pulisci griglia) btn
     Removing all selected balloons(the balloons whose has been colored earlier)

function enableRicalcaBtnsActivity(balloonStructureContainer, balloonStructureBackground) [line 409 - 466]:

     - adding eventlistener to all the btns in Ricalca functions with desired functionality added
     Changing the shape and position of the balloon structure background image

[line 470 - 500]:

     Displaying uploaded image in Ricalca Section

[line 506 - 509]:

     Updating precision slider[Precisione movimento] value when the slider is moved

[line 514 - 589]:

     All the functionalities for Sfondo Section

[line 592 - 607]:

     Add row and Add Column btns eventlistner 

function disableBtns(id) [line 616 - 623]:

     Function for activating or disabling any button
     * @function
     * @name disableBtns
     * @param {string} structure The structure whose buttons will be set
     * @param {string} id id of the delete button

[line 625 - 645]:

     eventlisnter for coloring/decoloring balloons creating box on drag

[line 648 - 683]:

     eventlistener for row gap and column gap btns

[line 686 - 777]:

     eventlistener for inflate and deflate balloon btns

function resetStructure() [line 780 - 791]:

     resetting structure on row gap or column gap state change

function changeDimension(structure, size) [line 794 - 916]:

     Change the dimension values when size and structure changes

function setStructure(structureEl) [line 918 - 956]:

     resetting everything including size select dropdown when a new strcture is selected
     * line 958: eventlistener to structure selecting dropdown(on change calls setStructure function)
     * line 962: eventlistener to window(on resize calls setStructure function)

[line 967 - 977]:

     eventlisnter to size selection dropdown

[line 980 - 1055]:

     functionalities for printing the design

function svgToPng() [line 1057 -1083]:

     utility function for converting svg image to png format

[line 1085 - 1132]:

     salva section functionalities

[line 1135 - 1153]:

     Update(Refresh) new balloon design in the background(In Sfondo Section)

[line 1155 - 1201]:

     Dimensioni(In struttura section) eventlisteners and functionalities

[line 1204 - 1298]:

     delete row and delete column eventlisters to the respected buttons

create-design.js: This creates the designs based on the structure selected and handle all balloon selection related events

[line 1 - 14]:

     all the variables to add or handle events(functionalities) to the balloons.

function deleteRow(balloon) [line 16 - 63]:

     called when clicked on a row for deleting it(row delete enabled state)

function deleteColumn(balloon) [line 66 - 113]:

     called when clicked on a column for deleting it(column delete enabled state)

function handleBallons(container, balloon) [line 122 - 209]

     Triggered when a balloon is selected
     * handle selection of balloons and add events to the selected balloon
     * @function
     * @name handleBalloons
     * @param {Element} container - SVG Container element
     * @param {Element} element - SVG element(Balloon)

function updateSelection(willColor) [line 211 - 299]

     call to handle coloring or decoloring of multiple balloons by creating box(Attiva colorazione ad area enabled) 

[line 301 - 373]:

     Adds mouse events to the structure to handle selection
     * line 301 - 323 => mousedown event - starting selection related activity with mouse based on which functionality is
     choosen from Modifica griglia or palloncini
     * line 325 - 356 => mousemove event - creating box to color or decolor balloons(Attiva colorazione ad area enabled)
     * line 359 - 373 => mouseup event - ending all selection related activites with mouse

function setBalloons(container, balloon) [line: 382 - 495]:

  Sets all the attributes for a svg element
  * @function
  * @name setBalloons
  * @param {Element} container - The svg element
  * @param {Element} element - The svg circle element(Balloon)

function createDupletSquare(row = 10, column = 20) [line 504 - 584]:

  This will create design of balloons based on Duplet Square structure
  * @function
  * @name createDupletSquare
  * @param {number} row number of rows
  * @param {number} column number of columns

function createAlternateSquarePack(row = 8, column = 10) [line 593 - 878]:

   This will create design of balloons based on Alternate Square pack structure
  * @function
  * @name createAlternateSquarePack
  * @param {number} row number of rows
  * @param {number} column number of columns

function createGridz(structure, row = 10, column = 7) [line 888 - 1032]:

   This will create design of balloons based on Gridz/Gridz Alternate Horizontal/Gridz Alternate Vertical structure
  * @function
  * @name createGridz
  * @param {String} structure structure of the design
  * @param {number} row number of rows
  * @param {number} column number of columns

function createSixInGrid(row = 6, column = 17) [line 1041 - 1174]:

   This will create design of balloons based on Six Inch Grid structure
  * @function
  * @name createSixInGrid
  * @param {number} row number of rows
  * @param {number} column number of columns

function createColumn(row) [line 1182 - 1303]:

  This will create design of balloons based on column structure
  * @function
  * @name createColumn
  * @param {number} row number of rows

function createTwelveInGrid(row = 5, column = 15) [line 1312 - 1450]:

  This will create design of balloons based on Twelve Inch Grid structure
  * @function
  * @name createTwelveInGrid
  * @param {number} row number of rows
  * @param {number} column number of columns

function createTwelveInXPattern(row = 4, column = 13) [line 1459 - 1709]:

  This will create design of balloons based on Twelve Inch X Pattern structure
  * @function
  * @name createTwelveInXPattern
  * @param {number} row number of rows
  * @param {number} column number of columns

function createArch(rows) [line 1716 - 1874]:

  This will create an Arch of balloons
  * @function
  * @name createArch

function createDeisgn(structure, row = null, column = null) [line 1882 - 2048]:

   This will create design of balloons based on specific structure and size
  * @function
  * @name createDesign
  * @param {string} structure structure of the balloons' deisgn

functions.js: This file will contain all the utility functions and variables to create designs of balloon

[line 5 - 181]

     Utility variables
     * sizes [line 5] => An object containing arrays for size options for different structures
     * dimensions [line 19] => Contains width of each column and height of each row for standard size(initial)
     of balloons for all structures
     * balloonsInfo [line 62] => Contains information about types of balloons and amount to multiply per each
     balloon of different types for different structures
     * structureInfo [line 166] => Contains the information about the current structure
     * selectedBalloons [line 182] => containing infos of the selected and not selected balloons

function updateAddRowInformation() [line 190 - 263]:

     add information of newly added row to the selectedBalloons object

function updateAddColumnInformation() [line 271 - 345]:

     add information of newly added column to the selectedBalloons object

function updateRemoveRowInformation() [line 352 - 384]:

     change information for newly removed row from the selectedBalloons object

function updateRemoveColumnInformation() [line 391 - 423]:

     change information for newly removed column from the selectedBalloons object

function createTableRow(color, amount) [line 426 - 449]:

     Create rows of table in information section

function setInformationTable(structure) [line 457 - 533]:

     Creates balloon information table and inserts it in the information section

function updateSelectedBalloon(id, type, amount, row, column) [line 545 - 584]:

     adds the information of the selected balloon to the selectedBalloons object

function removeFromSelectedBalloon(key, id, type, amount, row, column) [line 598 - 627]:

     removes the information of the unselected balloon to the selectedBalloons object

function initialSetup(row = 1, unitheight = 70, needsUse = false, rGap = 0) [line 639 - 679]:

    sets the initial common values for all the structure

function setAllAttributes(element, attributes) [line 689 - 693]:

     Sets all the attributes for a SVG element

attributes(object) [line 696 - 700]

     Common attributes for all the SVG element

function createBalloonElement(balloonType) [line 710 - 715]:

     create and return a SVG Ellipse element

function createOverlayBalloon(color, element) [line 724 - 736]:

     create and return overlay balloon

function createBalloonTop(element) [line 745 - 801]:

     create and return a SVG ellipse balloonTop for selected balloons

function createOverlayBalloons(container) [line 810 - 866]:

     create overlay balloons when updating the structure

function createUse(id) [line 876 - 883]:

     create and return a SVG ellipse balloonTop for selected balloons


An online software to design custom balloon structure






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