Solana blockchain client, written in pure Java. Solanaj is an API for integrating with Solana blockchain using the Solana RPC API
- Java 7+
- bitcoinj
- OkHttp
- Moshi
RpcClient client = new RpcClient(Cluster.TESTNET);
PublicKey fromPublicKey = new PublicKey("QqCCvshxtqMAL2CVALqiJB7uEeE5mjSPsseQdDzsRUo");
PublicKey toPublickKey = new PublicKey("GrDMoeqMLFjeXQ24H56S1RLgT4R76jsuWCd6SvXyGPQ5");
int lamports = 3000;
Account signer = new Account(secret_key);
Transaction transaction = new Transaction();
transaction.addInstruction(SystemProgram.transfer(fromPublicKey, toPublickKey, lamports));
String signature = client.getApi().sendTransaction(transaction, signer);
RpcClient client = new RpcClient(Cluster.TESTNET);
long balance = client.getApi().getBalance(new PublicKey("QqCCvshxtqMAL2CVALqiJB7uEeE5mjSPsseQdDzsRUo"));
String tx = "...";
byte[] txBytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode(tx);
VersionedTransaction versionedTransaction = VersionedTransaction.fromEncodeedTransaction(txBytes);
Welcome to contribute, feel free to change and open a PR.
Solanaj is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.