Organizational structure management system & Oidc single sign-on service (written with reference to OAuth2.0 & Oidc official document process, not all functions are implemented)
- Rubik.Identity.Admin: Organizational structure management system, project startup initialization database
- Rubik.Identity.AuthServer: Single sign-on service Mvc Host
- Rubik.Identity.Oidc.Core: Single sign-on core process
- Rubik.Identity.OidcReferenceAuthentication: Jwt component token authentication process access Oidc expansion package
- Rubik.Identity.Share.Entity: Organizational structure database mapping entity
- BlazorServerTest: Blazor App access oidc server & request JwtTest api test project
- BlazorWasmTest: Blazor Wasm access oidc server, not implemented
- JwtTest: JwtAuthentication Connect to oidc server for testing
- MvcClient: AddOpenIdConnect Connect to oidc server for testing
- infrastructure Encapsulation of some common class libraries
lowcode Low-code platform, no use
- Rubik.Identity.Admin:组织架构管理系统,项目启动初始化数据库
- Rubik.Identity.AuthServer: 单点登录服务Mvc Host
- Rubik.Identity.Oidc.Core: 单点登录核心流程
- Rubik.Identity.OidcReferenceAuthentication: Jwt组件token认证流程接入Oidc的拓展包
- Rubik.Identity.Share.Entity:组织架构数据库映射实体
- BlazorServerTest: Blazor App接入oidc server & 请求 JwtTest api 测试项目
- BlazorWasmTest: Blazor Wasm接入oidc server,未实现
- JwtTest:JwtAuthentication 接入oidc server测试
- MvcClient:AddOpenIdConnect 接入oidc server测试
infrastructure 一些通用类库的封装
lowcode 低代码平台,没搞头