Learn data visualization through Tableau 2020 and create opportunities for you or key decision-makers to discover data patterns such as customer purchase behavior, sales trends, or production bottlenecks.
This Course is Available on Udemy
- Install Tableau Desktop 2020
- Connect Tableau to various Datasets: Excel and CSV files
- Create Barcharts
- Create Area Charts
- Create Maps
- Create Scatterplots
- Create Piecharts
- Create Treemaps
- Create Interactive Dashboards
- Create Storylines
- Understand Types of Joins and how they work
- Work with Data Blending in Tableau
- Create Table Calculations
- Work with Parameters
- Create Dual Axis Charts
- Create Calculated Fields
- Create Calculated Fields in a Blend
- Export Results from Tableau into Powerpoint, Word, and other software
- Work with Timeseries Data (two methods)
- Creating Data Extracts in Tableau
- Understand Aggregation, Granularity, and Level of Detail
- Adding Filters and Quick Filters
- Create Data Hierarchies
- Adding Actions to Dashboards (filters & highlighting)
- Assigning Geographical Roles to Data Elements
- Advanced Data Preparation (including latest updates in Tableau)
Kirill Eremenko ,Data Scientist
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Course Link -> Udemy
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