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Problem solving practice


Topic Problem Solution
Array Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock BestTimeToBuyandSell.cpp
Array Reverse a string ReverseAString.cpp
Array Move Negative Numbers MoveNegative.cpp
Array Cyclically rotate an array by one RotateByOne.cpp
Array Find the Duplicate Number DuplicateNumber.cpp
Array Merge Intervals MergeIntervals.cpp
Array Next Permutation NextPermutation.cpp
Array Count Pair Of Given Sum PairsOfGivenSum.cpp
Array Merge Sorted Array MergeSortedArray.cpp
Array Longest consecutive subsequence LongestConsecutiveSubsequence.cpp
Array Maximum Sliding Window MaximumSlidingWindow.cpp
LinkedList Merge Sort MergeSort.cpp
LinkedList Reverse a Link List ReverseALinkList.cpp
LinkedList Loop In a Link List LoopInLinkList.cpp
LinkedList Remove Duplicates RemoveDuplicates.cpp
Searching And Sorting Search In Rotated Sorted Array SearchInRotatedSortedArray.cpp
Searching And Sorting Find All Four Sum Numbers FindAllFourSumNumbers.cpp
Searching And Sorting Row With Max 1s RowWithMax1.cpp
Searching And Sorting Median of two Sorted Arrays MedianOfTwoSortedArrays.cpp
Searching And Sorting K-th element of two sorted Arrays MedianOfTwoSortedArrays.cpp
Binary Tree Height of a Tree HeightOfABinaryTree.cpp
Binary Tree Reverse Level Order Traversal ReverseLevelOrderTraversal.cpp
Binary Tree Diameter of a Binay Tree DiameterOfBinayTree.cpp
Binary Tree Left View of Binary Tree LeftViewOfBT.cpp (All the views are implemented)
Binary Tree Find Duplicate Subtrees FindDuplicateSubtrees.cpp
Binary Tree Duplicate subtree in Binary Tree DuplicateSubTrees.cpp
Binary Tree Binary Tree to DLL BinaryTreeToDLL.cpp
Binary Tree Transform to Sum Tree TransformToSumTree.cpp
Binary Tree Sum Tree IsBinarySumTree.cpp
Stacks and Queues Rotten Oranges RottenOranges.cpp
Recursion Combination Sum CombinationSum.cpp
Recursion Combination Sum II CombinationSum2.cpp
Recursion Subsets II Subsets2.cpp
Recursion Palindrome Partitioning PalindromePartitioning.cpp
Recursion Print all Permutations Permutations.cpp
Recursion Generate Parenthesis GenerateParenthesis.cpp
Recursion Letter Combinations of a Phone Number LetterCombinationsofPhoneNumber.cpp
Backtracking Rat in a maze RatInAMaze.cpp
Backtracking N Queen Problem NQueenProblem.cpp
Backtracking Sudoku Solver SudokuSolver.cpp
Heap K Largest Elements KLargestElements.cpp
Dynamic Programming Longest Palindromic Subsequence LongestPalindrome.cpp
Dynamic Programming Pascal's Triangle PascalsTriangle.js
Dynamic Programming Min Cost Climbing Stairs MinCostClimbingStairs.js
Dynamic Programming Count Sorted Vowel Strings CountSortedVowelStrings.js
Dynamic Programming Coun Square Submatrices with All Ones CounSquareSubmatricesWithAllOnes.cpp


Topic Concept Implementation
Binary Tree Implemented a generic Binary Tree (with traversals) BinaryTree.cpp


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