🎯I just created my first project in Web3 domain. 😁
🎯The app is Krypt ⚡....
🎯It's a Crypto Wallet- An individual can make secure transactions using the app. All he/she needs is address of the receiver and a personal metamask account.
🎯It's a Decentralized App(DApp) - The wallet is not controlled by any particular organization or government. It is transaparent, secure and reliable.
🎯Krypt is completely responsive and is built using React library of JS.
🎯It transfers Ethereum (test/real time) over other addresses anywhere in the world.
📌This was my first project using Solidity. 🤩
📍Solidity language is used to write Smart Contracts which are later deployed on the different blockchain networks.(here i've used Goerli Test Network over Alchemy platform).
📌I applied styling using tailwind-css for this app.
📍Tailwind provides us with off-the-peg css classes directly and makes the project styling trouble-free. Although i had some issue with Responsiveness of the site in the beginning, later it was resolved.
📌I used Remix IDE to create my ContractABI and ContractAdress.
📍Remix IDE really makes Smart-Contract deployment over Blockchain hassle-free and quick. I would always recommend it over VS code for this task.👀
📌The only downside is that you must have a metamask account to make any transactions and see the later process.😐
....Here's the link to video to watch transactions happening through the app.
📌I've used Giphy Developers API to produce the Gif. 🚀
📍After a successful transfer of crypto is made it will render the transaction details at the bottom of the page along with a Gif related to the message you passed. Isn't that interesting!!👻
PS : Reload the site after transaction to see your Gif msg**
Do star⭐ the Repo if you liked my project.😉