Dataset of 1154 Central Kurdish poems extracted from vejinbooks by AsoSoft group. This dataset was used for evaluation of an automatic Kurdish poem meter identification method based on Optimality Theory
Prepared By: Aso Mahmudi (aso.mehmudi[at]
- Language is Central Kurdish (ckb)
- Meter is specified manually by experts
- Form is specified manually
- non-Kurdish phrases are removed
- Length is more than 5 lines (more than 2 couplets)
Poet + Poem-Number (for example: Diɫdar002.txt
Title of the poem in Kurdish (usually same as the first hemistich of the poem)form:
Form of the poem in Kurdish (e.g. غەزەل, مەسنەوی, نوێ)meter:
Meter pattern of the poem in English or Persian (e.g. 10Syllabic, مفاعیلن مفاعیلن مفاعیلن مفاعیلن)- poem text starts in line 4.
- Number sign (
) means the start of a new couplet. - Non-Kurdish hemistiches are replaced with two plus signs (