A simple utility package for golang.
This module simply adds a variety of useful functions in an easy to use way.
go get github.com/AspieSoft/goutil/v7
import (
// other optional utility files
// filesystem
// encryption
// compression
// other
func main(){
fs.JoinPath("root", "file") // a safer way to join 2 file paths without backtracking
goutil.Contains([]any, any) // checks if an array contains a value
// simple AES-CFB Encryption
encrypted := crypt.CFB.Encrypt([]byte("my message"), []byte("password"))
crypt.CFB.Decrypt(encrypted, []byte("password"))
// simple gzip compression for strings
// (also supports brotli and smaz)
compressed := gzip.Zip([]byte("my long string"))
// convert any type to something else
MyStr := goutil.ToType[string](MyByteArray)
MyInt := goutil.ToType[int]("1") // this will return `MyInt == 1`
MyUInt := goutil.ToType[uint32]([]byte{'2'}) // this will return `MyUInt == 2`
MyBool := goutil.ToType[bool](1) // this will return `MyBool == true`
// watch a directory recursively
watcher := fs.FileWatcher()
watcher.OnFileChange = func(path, op string) {
// do something when a file changes
path // the file path the change happened to
op // the change operation
watcher.OnDirAdd = func(path, op string) {
// do something when a directory is added
// return false to prevent that directory from being watched
return true
watcher.OnRemove = func(path, op string) {
// do something when a file or directory is removed
// return false to prevent that directory from no longer being watched
return true
watcher.OnAny = func(path, op string) {
// do something every time something happenes
// add a directory to the watch list
// close a specific watcher
// close all watchers
// wait for all watchers to finish closing
// loading config files
type Config struct{}
config = Config{}
// this method will automatically search for [.yml, .yaml, .json, etc...] files
// it allows the user to decide what compatible file type they want to use for their config
fs.ReadConfig("path/to/config.yml", &config)