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102 lines (80 loc) · 3.33 KB

File metadata and controls

102 lines (80 loc) · 3.33 KB


Running MantlePlace directly from Intellij Idea

  • Install Intellij Ultimate version from their website


  1. Install sdkman:
    curl -s "" | bash
    source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/"
  2. Install Java 11.0.x:
    1. sdk install java 11.0.11.hs-adpt
  3. Install sbt 1.7.2 or the version mentioned in project/
    1. sdk install sbt 1.7.2
  4. Install PostgreSQL 14:
    1. MacOS (Make default username and password postgres and postgres respectively)
    2. Ubuntu:
    wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -
    RELEASE=$(lsb_release -cs)
    echo "deb ${RELEASE}"-pgdg main | sudo tee  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt -y install postgresql-14
    sudo su - postgres  (if this doesn't work then: psql -U postgres)
    psql -c "alter user postgres with password 'postgres'"

Starting Client in Intellij:

  1. Click on Database on right then on + -> DataSource -> PostgreSQL
  2. Fill the following:
    1. User: postgres
    2. Password: postgres
    3. URL: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres
    4. Database: postgres
    5. Save: Forever
    6. Do Test Connection this should succeed. Then Apply -> OK
  3. Select 0.sql contents and execute in console
  4. Update with correct values and the run by selecting MantlePlace configuration and clicking Run icon next to it. Debug is next to it.
  5. Click on Database on right then on stack + wrench, go to Schema and select mantlePlace and all its tables to view.

Starting Client on Terminal:

  1. sudo su - postgres
  2. psql
  3. Copy contents of 0.sql and paste there
  4. \q
  5. exit
  6. Set all the environment variables in application.conf (They are of form ${NAME})
  7. Create binary for client:
    1. Go to project directory in terminal.
    2. sbt clean
    3. sbt dist
    4. You get a file which contains binary file in bin folder.
  8. Modify applicaltion.conf as per the requirements.
  9. Run ./persistenceclient

Local development setup

  • Install docker on your machine

    curl -sL | sudo bash
    docker buildx install
    docker version
    docker buildx version
  • Install docker-compose on your machine

    sudo curl -L "$(curl -s | grep tag_name | cut -d : -f2 | cut -d , -f1 | xargs)/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /usr/bin/docker-compose
    docker-compose version


Before running the mantleplace on your local, make sure that your postgresql database is enabled.

Run mantleplace

docker-compose up