🔭 I’m currently working on Yukiko
🌱 I’m currently learning Golang
📝 I regularly write articles on https://asthriona.com/blog
💬 Ask me about Express, Discord.js
🗣️ Spoken Language Japanese, French, English
🔰 Learning to speak Indonesian, Korean
📫 How to reach me Ping@Asthriona.com
⚡ Fun fact People call me "The Cool Kid" Because I know code, video editing and I'm the best World of Warcraft Tank. But don't let them fool you! I'm not cool!
The following keys are owned by me, When a link can be provided, please follow said key server to see my public key.
if No links are provided, the keys are only available on Debian's keyring servers. Feel free to sign my keys if you feel like you can trust me, I'll be more than happy to do it on your keys in return.
@Heazher ❤