Go throw laravel documentation & many more blog
first you need to clone this and save .env.example as .env and setup your environment or just change the database configure
- DB_PORT=3306
- DB_DATABASE=your-database-name
- DB_USERNAME=your-database-user-name
- DB_PASSWORD=your-database-password(if have)
Now just run some command on terminal
composer install
php artisan migrate
php artisan serve
As I have said this is One to One relationship. //Imagine part
- Example1: A User can have one profile data but can't be multiple
- Example2: Student can have one ID information
- Example3: Office can have one employee profile
So I have just created Two model
- User
- Profile
User Model are relation with hasOne
public function profile(){
return $this->hasOne(Profile::class);
Profile Model are relation with belongsTo
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
// You can save return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'user_id');
relation column name if you didn't follow the convention
And controller code are depend's on condition what I need. So you can got throw the controller method.
if you have Postman/any software like that please import One-to-One.postman_collection.json file either call
- {url-of-your-app}/api/users --method : get // get all user list with profile
- {url-of-your-app}/api/users/{user} --method : get // get one user by id with profile
- {url-of-your-app}/api/users --method : post // insert user and profile details
- {url-of-your-app}/api/users/{user} --method : put // update user details
- {url-of-your-app}/api/users/{user} --method : delete // delete user and profile details
- {url-of-your-app}/api/profile/{profile} --method : get // get one profile details by id
- {url-of-your-app}/api/profile/{profile} --method : put // update profile details