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Project Setup

m-r-c edited this page May 24, 2016 · 17 revisions
  1. Install java 1.7 if you don't already have it
  2. Clone profile-service and profile-hub from GitHub
  3. Create an IntelliJ project from existing source for each
  4. Create the following directory structure:

  1. Copy the profile-hub template config file to /data/profile-hub/config and fill in the variable values
  2. Copy the profile-service template config file to /data/profile-service/config and fill in the variable values
  3. Install MongoDB
  4. Install Elastic Search 1.7.2
  5. Install Elastic Search (
  6. Read this:
  7. Change the cluster name for ES 1. [es_install_dir]/conf/elasticsearch.yml 1. Uncomment 1. Change to something unique
  8. Install the name index
  9. Download the latest names index file from
  10. Unzip it to /data/lucene/[filename] 1. Change the name.index.location property of the profile-service config file if you want to put this somewhere else.
  11. Change profile-service to run on a different port
  12. In IntelliJ, edit the runtime configuration and add -Dgrails.server.port.http=8081 to the command line (change 8081 to whatever you want)
  13. Run both profile-hub and profile-service
  14. http://localhost:8080/profile-hub
  15. Follow the steps here to set up your environment to run the unit tests
  16. Follow the steps here to set up your environment to modify the Jasper Reports files
  17. Once the application is running, follow these steps to import some sample data:
  18. Log in with an ALA Admin user
  19. Create a new collection
  20. Copy the GUID from the URL
  21. In a terminal, go to the root of the profile-service project
  22. Run the following (you may need to change paths/ports to suit your environment):
groovy scripts/FOAImport.groovy -f ../profile-hub/data/sample -p http://localhost:8081/profile-service -o [guid]
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