A Halo Online backend emulator for the very first leaked build.
- Visual Studio 2013
- .NET Framework 4.5
A console application that hosts the webserver, the webservice and the log server.
An AngularJS single page web application for account management.
An assembly for storing common types.
An http webservice which handles authentication and gives external access to game data.
An access layer for storing and retrieving data.
A project for recurring tasks such as matchmaking.
A socket based log service.
An assembly containing the DTO classes expected by the client.
- OWIN - Web server interface
- ASP.NET Web Api - HTTP webservice framework
- Autofac - Inversion of Control container
- OAuth - Authorization
- JSON Web Tokens - Bearer token format
- SQLite - Database
- Entity Framework - Object-relational mapper
- Quartz - Scheduling