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At this point, we have learned few things about how to deal with data and do processes using Python's own functionalities or using numpy -module. This week we will start using a specific Data Analysis Library in Python called Pandas and its spatial extension Geopandas that make working with data and geospatial data easy, efficient and fast.
- What are Pandas or Geopandas -modules
- Data in / out
- Coordinate reference system (CRS)
- Geometries in Geopandas
- Grouping data
- Past lesson materials
- Web pages
- Books
- Learning Geospatial Analysis with Python: An effective guide to geographic information systems and remote sensing analysis using Python 3
- Python for Data Analysis: Data wrangling with Pandas, NumPy and iPython
- Python Geospatial Development: Develop sophisticated mapping applications from scratch using Python 3 tools for geospatial development
- Python Scripting for ArcGIS
- Python Geospatial Analysis Cookbook: Over 60 recipes to work with topology, overlays, indoor routing, and web application analysis with Python
- Learn Python the Hard Way
- Dive into Python 3