v2.5 PYNQ for Ultra96
Release notes
This release of PYNQ supports both Ultra96 board versions (1 and 2). Each version of Ultra96 requires a different SD card image. This release also contains instructions on how to optionally re-build PYNQ for either version of Ultra96 if you need to customize, see Readme.md.
v2.5 PYNQ is compatible with Xilinx tools version 2019.1. Bitstreams created with earlier versions of Vivado using VHDL/Verilog, HLS or IP Block designs usually will also work. Non 2019.1 SDSoC version created bitstreams will probably not be compatible.
Overview installation instructions:
- Download correct .zip for your version of Ultra96
- Extract .img
- Use Etcher to image it onto >= 16GB Micro SD Card (Samsung EVO cards are not compatible with Ultra96)
- Insert Micro SD card into Ultra96, then power on
- Have fun!
Detailed instructions including how to identify which version of Ultra96 you have:
(see U96_PYNQ_Setup_Instructions.pdf in Asset list below please)
Video installation instructions for v1 (v2 is very similar):
Pre-built SD image v2.5 for Ultra96 version 2:
Pre-built SD image v2.5 for Ultra96 version 1:
Please note: v2.5 no longer loads a bitstream into the SOC PL. This means the PL loaded LED will stay red. PYNQ can load a bitstream anytime and once loaded the LED will go un-red.
Please also note: WiFi access point has been disabled since PYNQ v2.4. To activate it you must enter the following commands into a console (sudo password for user xilinx is: xilinx):
To check if service is available:
sudo systemctl list-unit-files | grep wpa_ap.service
To enable temporarily:
sudo systemctl start wpa_ap.service
To enable even after re-boot:
sudo systemctl enable wpa_ap.service