- Copy data into subject folder
- Convert .edf to .asc using EDF Converter
- Open eegreject.m in MATLAB
- Change subjectDirectories to match subjects you want to preprocess and run script.
- Open unchecked .set files using EEGLAB.
- Use
EEG = align_channels(EEG,true)
to align EEG channels. a. NOTE: You have to flag a trial first to see flagged channels (EEGLAB bug) - Use
pop_eegplot(EEG, 1, 1, 1)
to view data. - "Stack" data and set scaling to 30.
- Visually inspect data, flagging and unflagging trials.
- Press the "Reject" button. Press okay to pop_newset window.
- Use
EEG = align_channels(EEG,false)
to realign EEG channels. - Save new dataset with File > Save Current Dataset as. Save as "checked".