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The axa-fr-ocr is an utility library built on top of Tesseract and providing algorithms to deskew text in order to enhance OCR performance. It also provides an algorithm to determine whether an image contains text.

How to consume

pip install axa-fr-ocr
import time
from io import BytesIO

import cv2
import numpy as np
import logging

from axa_fr_ocr.ocr import Ocr
from axa_fr_ocr.image import normalize_size
from axa_fr_ocr.text.deskew import deskew
from axa_fr_ocr.text.orientation import orientate
from axa_fr_ocr.text.text import is_image_contain_text

with open('.path.pdf', 'w') as stream:
    nparr = np.frombuffer(, np.uint8)
    image_origin = cv2.imdecode(nparr, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
    image_cv, ratio_cv = normalize_size(image_origin, 2200)
    small_img_cv, ratio = normalize_size(image_cv, 800)
    is_img_with_text, distance, img_mser_cv = is_image_contain_text(small_img_cv)
    if not is_img_with_text:
      print("No text")
        img_straighted_cv, angle_orientation, duration_orientation = orientate(img_deskew_cv)
        img_straighted = BytesIO(cv2.imencode(".png", img_straighted_cv)[1].tobytes())
        ocr = Ocr(logging)
        img_text, ocr_confidence = ocr.process_ocr(img_straighted)
