All active Environment variables/parameters for Flow Manager, including all the services required to run.
Parameter | Mandatory | Description | Default value |
FLOWMANAGER_IMAGE_URL* | No | URL from where you want to get the image | axway/flowmanager |
FLOWMANAGER_VERSION* | Yes | App version based on docker image | |
ACCEPT_EULA | Yes | Indicates your acceptance of the End User License Agreement | false |
FM_GENERAL_FQDN | Yes | URL address of the FlowManager instance | |
FM_GENERAL_UI_PORT | Yes | FlowManager UI port | 8081 |
FM_GENERAL_ENCRYPTION_KEY | Yes | FlowManager's encryption key | |
FM_GENERAL_LOGGING_LEVEL | No | FlowManager's logging levels | INFO |
FM_LOGS_CONSOLE | No | Enable logs in the console | true |
FM_GENERAL_CUSTOM_LOCATION_PATH | No | The location of logs inside of the docker image | |
FM_GOVERNANCE_CA_FILE | Yes | File name and path to governance certificate | |
FM_GOVERNANCE_CA_PASSWORD | Yes | Governance certificate password | |
FM_HTTPS_USE_CUSTOM_CERT | No | Flag which informs FlowManager that you are using custom certificates | true |
FM_HTTPS_KEYSTORE | Yes | File name and path to HTTPS certificate | |
FM_HTTPS_CERT_ALIAS | No | Alias of the HTTPS certificate | |
FM_HTTPS_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD | Yes | HTTPS certificate password | |
FM_HTTPS_DISABLED | No | Set on true if the ssl requests are handled by a gateway (SSL termination) |
false |
FM_USER_INITIAL_PASSWORD | No | Initial user password | |
FM_CFT_SHARED_SECRET | No | FlowManager's shared secret | |
FM_CFT_UPDATES_PATH | Yes | The path needed to update CFT plugin | |
FM_DATABASE_HOST | No | MongoDB host name | mongodb |
FM_DATABASE_PORT | No | MongoDB port | 27017 |
FM_DATABASE_USER_NAME | Yes | MongoDB user used for FlowManager | |
FM_DATABASE_USER_PASSWORD | Yes | MongoDB user's password used for FlowManager | |
FM_DATABASE_USE_SSL | No | MongoDB option for use of SSL | false |
FM_DATABASE_CERTIFICATES | No | MongoDB truststore (At the moment we support only jks) | |
FM_DATABASE_AUTHSOURCE | No | The database in which the MongoDB user (FM_DATABASE_USER_NAME ) was created. If not set, it means that the user belongs to the FlowManager database (FM_DATABASE_NAME ). |
FM_DATABASE_AUTH_MECHANISM | No | The client authentication mechanism. Possible values: LDAP , SCRAM_SHA1 , SCRAM_SHA256 . If not set, the default mongo client authentication mechanism will be used (SCRAM_SHA1 ). If LDAP is used, the FM_DATABASE_AUTHSOURCE should not be set because in this case its default value is $external . |
FM_ST_PLUGIN_CA_FILE | Yes | File name and path to the CA of ST plugin | |
FM_ST_PLUGIN_PUBLIC_KEY | Yes | File name and path to the public key of ST plugin | |
FM_METRICS_ENABLED | No | Enable metrics for Prometheus | false |
FM_ST_PLUGIN_DISABLED | No | Disable ST Plugin | false |
FM_JVM_XMX | No | JVM maximum memory allocation pool | 2G |
FM_JVM_XMS | No | JVM maximum memory allocation pool | 512M |
FM_JVM_XMN | No | JVM size of the heap for the young generation | 768M |
FM_UNMANAGED_PRODUCT_ENABLED | No | Enables the Unmanaged Product plugin in Flow Manager | false |
Parameter | Mandatory | Description | Default value |
MONGO_IMAGE_URL* | No | URL from where you want to get the image | mongo |
MONGO_IMAGE_VERSION* | No | DB version based on docker image | 4.2 |
MONGO_INTERNAL_PORT | No | DB port | 27017 |
MONGO_EXTERNAL_PORT | No | DB external container port | 27017 |
MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD | Yes | DB Super password | |
MONGO_APP_DATABASE | Yes | Database name for the application | |
MONGO_APP_USER | Yes | Database user for the application | |
MONGO_APP_PASS | Yes | Database password for the application | |
MONGO_BIND_IP | No | Bind to all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses | |
MONGO_CA_FILE | No | Contains the root certificate chain from the Certificate Authority | |
MONGO_PEM_KEY_FILE | No | Contains both the TLS/SSL certificate and key |
Parameter | Mandatory | Description | Default value |
FM_IDP_CONFIGURATION | No | Specifies if the IDP used is internal or custom |
internal |
FM_IDP_ENTITY_ID | Yes | The clientId from the SAML IDP that will be used when sending authentication requests. | |
FM_IDP_SSO_DESCRIPTOR | Yes | Path or URL to the IDP descriptor. | |
FM_IDP_HTTPS_ENABLED | mandatory if FM_IDP_SSO_DESCRIPTOR is an URL | Specifies if IDP uses SSL. | true |
Path to the SSL certificate of IDP. | |
FM_IDP_VERIFY_METADATA_SIGNATURE | Yes | Enable or disable IDPSSODescriptor metadata configuration signature verification. | false |
FM_IDP_METADATA_RELOAD_DELAY | mandatory if FM_IDP_SSO_DESCRIPTOR is an URL | The Identity Provider metadata IDPSSODescriptor reload delay in minutes (only for metadata URL). | 10 |
FM_IDP_SIGN_SAML_MESSAGES | Yes | Specifies if the the Service provider will sign all SAML messages sent to the Identity Provider. | true |
This property contains the CA and Signing Certificate for signing SAML messages sent to the Identity Provider | |
FM_IDP_SIGN_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD | mandatory if IDP certificate is encrypted | This property contains the password for the private key for the Identity Provider signing certificate, if it is encrypted. | |
The metadata signature algorithm used to sign messages sent to SAML Identity Provider. | sha-256 |
The metadata canonicalization algorithm used to sign messages sent to SAML Identity Provider. | Exclusive |
Enable or disable Service Provider to sign all authentication requests. | true |
Enable or disable Service Provider to sign all logout requests. | true |
Enable or disable Service Provider to sign all logout responses. | true |
FM_IDP_SAML_RESPONSE_BINDING | Yes | Service provider response binding. | HTTP-POST |
FM_IDP_UNSIGNED_ASSERTIONS | Yes | Service Provider will accept or not unsigned assertions from the Identity Provider | false |
FM_IDP_VERIFY_ASSERTION_EXPIRATION | Yes | Check assertion expiration on the service provider. | true |
Note: all SAML parameters are mandatory if FM_IDP_CONFIGURATION is set on custom
Parameter | Mandatory | Description | Default value |
ST_FM_PLUGIN_IMAGE_URL* | No | URL from where you get the image | axway/st-fm-plugin |
ST_FM_PLUGIN_IMAGE_VERSION* | Yes | ST plugin Docker image version | |
ST_FM_PLUGIN_HOST | Yes | The public hostname of the SecureTransport plugin | st-fm-plugin |
ST_FM_PLUGIN_PORT | Yes | The public port of SecureTransport plugin | 8899 |
ST_FM_PLUGIN_SHORT_NAME | Yes | The short name of the SecureTransport plugin used for the registration | ST |
ST_FM_PLUGIN_ST_SKIP_HOSTNAME_VERIFICATION | Yes | Skip the SecureTransport hostname verification when establishing a connection to the SecureTransport server | true |
ST_FM_PLUGIN_FM_FQDN | Yes | The fully qualified domain name of Flow Manager | |
ST_FM_PLUGIN_FM_HOST | Yes | The public hostname of Flow Manager | flowmanager |
ST_FM_PLUGIN_FM_PORT | Yes | The general UI port used to access the Flow Manager | 8081 |
ST_FM_PLUGIN_SHARED_SECRET | Yes | Path to file containing a long string that would be used for sensitive payload encryption between FM and the plugin | |
ST_FM_PLUGIN_FM_GOV_CA_FULL_CHAIN | Yes | CA bundle file path location of Flow Manager Governance CA | |
ST_FM_PLUGIN_SERVER_PRIVATE_KEY_PEM | Yes | File path location to the Private key of the ST FM plugin | |
ST_FM_PLUGIN_CERT_PEM | Yes | File path location of the Public certificate of the ST FM plugin | |
ST_FM_PLUGIN_SERVER_CA_FULL_CHAIN | Yes | The CA bundle file of the ST FM plugin | |
ST_FM_PLUGIN_JWT_KEY | Yes | Path to a RSA private key for signing requests to the Flow Manager | |
ST_FM_PLUGIN_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED_CONNECTION | No | Enable strict TLS verification | true |
ST_FM_PLUGIN_DATABASE_HOST | Yes | The database host | mongodb |
ST_FM_PLUGIN_DATABASE_PORT | Yes | The database port | 27017 |
ST_FM_PLUGIN_DATABASE_NAME | Yes | The application database name | |
ST_FM_PLUGIN_DATABASE_USER_NAME | Yes | The application database user name | |
ST_FM_PLUGIN_DATABASE_USER_PASSWORD | Yes | The user password used for connecting to the database | |
ST_FM_PLUGIN_DATABASE_CONNECTION_RETRIES | Yes | The number of attempts to reconnect to the database | 15 |
ST_FM_PLUGIN_DATABASE_CONNECTION_RETRY_INTERVAL | Yes | Server wait time in seconds between retries | 60 |
ST_FM_PLUGIN_DATABASE_USE_SSL | Yes | Enable TLS security in database connection | false |
ST_FM_PLUGIN_DATABASE_CERTIFICATES | No | It must contain the root and intermediate certificates of the database SSL certificate |
*Parameters for docker compose only.