A discord bot for sending invitation links and messages, adding roles and nicknames.(works with python verisons older than 3.11)
- You need to run main.py to use the bot
- "!sendInvite your message" is used for sending discord server invitation links to people. You need to add an excel file with Email, Name and Surname headers.
- "!sendMessage your message" is used for sending messages. You need to add an excel file with Email and Name headers.
- "!addNick" adds name and surname as server nickname to people. Gets data from the already provided users.xlsx file.
- "!addRole" adds role to users. Gets data from the already provided users.xlsx file.
- "!ban" bans users for 2 years also unbans them when 2 years is up.
- "!update" updates the users.xlsx with the provided data. The file that you provide as you type the command must be configured just like the users.xlsx.
- "!show name surname" shows the info of the user provided.
- If shows an error about e-mail and password, it is probably because of the credentials.json or token.json file. Make sure that they are correct. token.json can be deleted, when mail is used it will be created. +Also make sure to use the right token and channel id.