An application made with react that helps you create professional looking resumes fast (less than 3 min) and for free.
Make sure you have NodeJs installed if not install it from here: NodeJs
open a new terminal instance inside the folder resume-maker-master
Type npm i
to install dependencies.
After the installation is complete, run the local server using npm start
At the top the page you'll find the control panel allows you to do couple of different things.
Let's start with most left, there you'll find couple of setting:
save: let's you save you resume in your local browser storage, so when you came back or you have accidentally refresh the page, your hard work will not go down the drain.
reset: this option delete all information stored in local storage and clears input fields, ready for a new resume.
export: export your resume as JSON string copied to your clip board, this allows you to save multiple resumes.
import: this option let's you supply a JSON string that is given by the export option, to load previous resumes.
darkmode / lightmode: toggles between light and dark mode.
In the center, all designs available you can switch between them in a blink. And at the far right there is many different options to choose from when it comes to color palette.
On the left side or the middle depends on screen size, is the editor; The editor is splitted to sections each section has (title, id and type) You can manipulate a section using these options:
- You can move a section "up" or "down" using the arrows.
- Deleting it by clicking on bin icon.
- Change the title title.
- Remove / add new input fields.
To add a new section all you have to do is select which type using the drop down list in the middle then click the "folder+" icon.
When you create a new section don't forget to give it a title and then fill you information, you can add as many fields or sections as you want, but some designs might break, when you fill a lot of information, it's up to you!
This type allows you to provide two input fields.
This type could be used for sections such as: Experience, Education...
This one gives you a list and it is displayed vertically.
This type could be used for sections such as: competences...
Same as list but it is displayed in line.
This type could be used for sections such as: hobbies, Software, Programing languages...
The Slider type take in a name and a number between 0 and 6.
This type could be used for sections such as: languages, other skills...
Printing the final product is very straightforward, you need to change some printing variables in your browser.