This repository demonstrate parallel implementation of Nemoh, which is a software used for the calculation of hydrodynamic coefficients using boundary element method. This code does not change the inner-workings of Nemoh, rather, it utilizes the capabilities of your machine to perform multiple runs in parallel. The Matlab wrappers created by Nemoh developers are used in this implementation,, but some of them are slightly modified to account for input variations. The package includes all the required Nemoh files and there is no need to download Nemoh, separately.
This code entails a demonstration of performing multiple runs for a simple cylinder with variations in radius, only.
S. Azad, D. R. Herber. Concurrent Probabilistic Control Co-Design and Layout Optimization of Wave Energy Converter Farms using Surrogate Modeling. In ASME 2023 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, DETC2023-116896, Boston, MA, USA, Aug 2023. PDF
Primary contributor: Dr. Saeed Azad