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Reusable OpenAI secure UI and infrastructure for AI Chat with Azure


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Azure OpenAI secure UI starter

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Animation showing the app in action

This sample shows how to deploy a secure Azure OpenAI infrastructure with reusable components to build a web UI with authentication. It provides a starting point for building secure AI chat applications, using RBAC permissions and OpenAI API SDKs with keyless (Entra) authentication. The backend resources are secured within an Azure Virtual Network, and the frontend is hosted on Azure Static Web Apps.


Building AI applications can be complex and time-consuming, but using accelerator components with Azure allows to greatly simplify the process. This template provides a starting point for building a secure UI with Azure OpenAI, using a keyless authentication mechanism and a virtual network to secure the backend resources. It also demonstrates how to set up user authentication and authorization with configurable providers with Azure Static Web Apps Easy Auth.

Application architecture

This application is made from multiple components:

  • Reusable and customizable web components built with Lit handling user authentication and providing an AI chat UI. The code is located in the packages/ai-chat-components folder.

  • Example web app integrations of the web components, hosted on Azure Static Web Apps. There are example using static HTML, React, Angular, Vue and Svelte.

  • A serverless API built with Azure Functions and using OpenAI SDK to generate responses to the user chat queries. The code is located in the packages/api folder.

We use the HTTP protocol for AI chat apps to communicate between the web app and the API.


  • Secure deployments: Uses Azure Managed Identity for keyless authentication and Azure Virtual Network to secure the backend resources.
  • Reusable components: Provides reusable web components for building secure AI chat applications.
  • Serverless Architecture: Utilizes Azure Functions and Azure Static Web Apps for a fully serverless deployment.
  • Scalable and Cost-Effective: Leverages Azure's serverless offerings to provide a scalable and cost-effective solution.
  • Local Development: Supports local development using Ollama for testing without any cloud costs.

Getting started

There are multiple ways to get started with this project.

The quickest way is to use GitHub Codespaces that provides a preconfigured environment for you. Alternatively, you can set up your local environment following the instructions below.


If you want to run this sample entirely locally using Ollama, you have to follow the instructions in the local environment section.

Use your local environment

You need to install following tools to work on your local machine:

  • Node.js LTS
  • Azure Developer CLI
  • Git
  • PowerShell 7+ (for Windows users only)
    • Important: Ensure you can run pwsh.exe from a PowerShell command. If this fails, you likely need to upgrade PowerShell.
    • Instead of Powershell, you can also use Git Bash or WSL to run the Azure Developer CLI commands.

Then you can get the project code:

  1. Fork the project to create your own copy of this repository.
  2. On your forked repository, select the Code button, then the Local tab, and copy the URL of your forked repository.
Screenshot showing how to copy the repository URL
3. Open a terminal and run this command to clone the repo: git clone <your-repo-url>

Use GitHub Codespaces

You can run this project directly in your browser by using GitHub Codespaces, which will open a web-based VS Code:

Open in GitHub Codespaces

Use a VSCode dev container

A similar option to Codespaces is VS Code Dev Containers, that will open the project in your local VS Code instance using the Dev Containers extension.

You will also need to have Docker installed on your machine to run the container.

Open in Dev Containers

Run the sample

There are multiple ways to run this sample: locally using Ollama or Azure OpenAI models for testing, or by deploying it to Azure.

Deploy the sample to Azure

Azure prerequisites

Cost estimation

See the cost estimation details for running this sample on Azure.

Deploy the sample

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the project.
  2. Authenticate with Azure by running azd auth login.
  3. Run azd up to deploy the application to Azure. This will provision Azure resources, deploy this sample, and build the search index based on the files found in the ./data folder.
    • You will be prompted to select a base location for the resources. If you're unsure of which location to choose, select eastus2.
    • By default, the OpenAI resource will be deployed to eastus2. You can set a different location with azd env set AZURE_OPENAI_RESOURCE_GROUP_LOCATION <location>. Currently only a short list of locations is accepted. That location list is based on the OpenAI model availability table and may become outdated as availability changes.

The deployment process will take a few minutes. Once it's done, you'll see the URL of the web app in the terminal.

Screenshot of the azd up command result

You can now open the web app in your browser and start chatting with the bot.

(Optional) Using a different framework for the webapp

By default, the sample deploys the static HTML version of the webapp. However, we provide example integrations of the UI web components with different web app frameworks:

If you want to switch the deployment to use any of these, edit the file azure.yaml in the root of the project and changes the project path to the one you want to deploy for the webapp service:

    # Change here to the path of the web app you want to deploy,
    # for example, to deploy the React version of the web app
    # change it to ./packages/webapp-react
    project: ./packages/webapp-html

Clean up

To clean up all the Azure resources created by this sample:

  1. Run azd down --purge
  2. When asked if you are sure you want to continue, enter y

The resource group and all the resources will be deleted.

Run the sample locally with Ollama

If you have a machine with enough resources, you can run this sample entirely locally without using any cloud resources. To do that, you first have to install Ollama and then run the following commands to download the models on your machine:

ollama pull phi3


The phi3 model with download a few gigabytes of data, so it can take some time depending on your internet connection.

After that you have to install the NPM dependencies:

npm install

Next, create a .env file in the packages/api folder with the following content:


Then you can start the application by running the following command which will start the web app and the API locally:

npm start

You can now open the URL http://localhost:4280 in your browser, use the authentication emulator to connect to the web app, and start chatting with the bot.

Run the sample locally with Azure OpenAI models

First you need to provision the Azure resources needed to run the sample. Follow the instructions in the Deploy the sample to Azure section to deploy the sample to Azure, then you'll be able to run the sample locally using the deployed Azure resources.

Once your deployment is complete, you should see a .env file in the packages/api folder. This file contains the environment variables needed to run the application using Azure resources.

To run the sample, you can then use the same commands as for the Ollama setup. This will start the web app and the API locally:

npm start

Open the URL http://localhost:4280 in your browser, use the authentication emulator to connect to the web app, and start chatting with the bot.


Here are some resources to learn more about Azure OpenAI and related technologies:

You can also find more Azure AI samples here.


You can find answers to frequently asked questions in the FAQ.


If you have any issue when running or deploying this sample, please check the troubleshooting guide. If you can't find a solution to your problem, please open an issue in this repository.


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