diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d9332ab..7c87887 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: Backup Container
-description: A simple containerized backup solution for backing up one or more postgres or mongo databases to a secondary location.
+description: A simple containerized backup solution for backing up one or more supported databases to a secondary location.
author: WadeBarnes
resourceType: Components
@@ -12,19 +12,25 @@ labels:
- backups
- postgres
- mongo
+ - mssql
- database
# Backup Container
-[Backup Container](https://github.com/BCDevOps/backup-container) is a simple containerized backup solution for backing up one or more postgres or mongo databases to a secondary location. _Code and documentation was originally pulled from the [HETS Project](https://github.com/bcgov/hets)_
+[Backup Container](https://github.com/BCDevOps/backup-container) is a simple containerized backup solution for backing up one or more supported databases to a secondary location. _Code and documentation was originally pulled from the [HETS Project](https://github.com/bcgov/hets)_
+# Supported Databases
+MSSQL - Currently MSSQL requires that the nfs db volume be shared with the database for backups to function correctly.
# Backup Container Options
-You can run the Backup Container for postgres and mongo databases separately or in a mixed environment.
+You can run the Backup Container for supported databases separately or in a mixed environment.
For a mixed environment:
1) You MUST use the recommended `backup.conf` configuration.
2) Within the `backup.conf`, you MUST specify the `DatabaseType` for each listed database.
-3) You will need to create two builds and two deployment configs. One for a postgres backup container and the other for a mongo backup container.
+3) You will need to create a build and deployment config for each type of supported backup container in use.
4) Mount the same `backup.conf` file (ConfigMap) to each deployed container.
## Backups in OpenShift
@@ -76,7 +82,7 @@ Together, the scripts and templates provided in the [openshift](./openshift) dir
The following environment variables are defaults used by the `backup` app.
-**NOTE**: These environment variables MUST MATCH those used by the postgresql container(s) you are planning to backup.
+**NOTE**: These environment variables MUST MATCH those used by the database container(s) you are planning to backup.
| Name | Default (if not set) | Purpose |
| ---- | ------- | ------- |
@@ -283,6 +289,9 @@ Plugin Examples:
- [backup.mongo.plugin](./docker/backup.mongo.plugin)
- Mongo backup implementation.
+- [backup.mssql.plugin](./docker/backup.mssql.plugin)
+ - MSSQL backup implementation.
- [backup.null.plugin](./docker/backup.null.plugin)
- Sample/Template backup implementation that simply outputs log messages for the various operations.
diff --git a/config/backup.conf b/config/backup.conf
index a3b4388..3541cfb 100644
--- a/config/backup.conf
+++ b/config/backup.conf
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
# - :/
# - =/
# - =:/
-# can be postgres or mongo
+# can be postgres, mongo or mssql
# MUST be specified when you are sharing a
-# single backup.conf file between postgres and mongo
+# single backup.conf file between postgres, mongo and mssql
# backup containers. If you do not specify
# the listed databases are assumed to be valid for the
# backup container in which the configuration is mounted.
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
# - postgres=postgresql:5432/my_database
# - mongo=mongodb/my_database
# - mongo=mongodb:27017/my_database
+# - mssql=mssql_server:1433/my_database
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Cron Scheduling:
# -----------------------------------------------------------
@@ -42,6 +43,7 @@
# postgres=postgresql:5432/TheOrgBook_Database
# mongo=mender-mongodb:27017/useradm
# postgres=wallet-db/tob_issuer
+# mssql=pims-db-dev:1433/pims
# 0 1 * * * default ./backup.sh -s
# 0 4 * * * default ./backup.sh -s -v all
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile_MSSQL b/docker/Dockerfile_MSSQL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..189e868
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile_MSSQL
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+FROM mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/rhel/server:2019-CU1-rhel-8
+# Change timezone to PST for convenience
+# Set the workdir to be root
+# Load the backup scripts into the container (must be executable).
+COPY backup.* /
+COPY webhook-template.json /
+# ========================================================================================================
+# Install go-crond (from https://github.com/BCDevOps/go-crond)
+# - Adds some additional logging enhancements on top of the upstream project;
+# https://github.com/webdevops/go-crond
+# CRON Jobs in OpenShift:
+# - https://blog.danman.eu/cron-jobs-in-openshift/
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ADD https://github.com/$SOURCE_REPO/go-crond/releases/download/$GOCROND_VERSION/go-crond-64-linux /usr/bin/go-crond
+USER root
+RUN chmod ug+x /usr/bin/go-crond
+# ========================================================================================================
+# ========================================================================================================
+# Perform operations that require root privilages here ...
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RUN echo $TZ > /etc/timezone
+# ========================================================================================================
+COPY uid_entrypoint /opt/mssql-tools/bin/
+RUN chmod -R a+rwx /opt/mssql-tools/bin/uid_entrypoint
+ENV PATH=${PATH}:/opt/mssql/bin:/opt/mssql-tools/bin
+RUN mkdir -p /var/opt/mssql/data && \
+ chmod -R g=u /var/opt/mssql /etc/passwd
+# Important - Reset to the base image's user account.
+USER 10001
+# Set the default CMD.
+CMD sh /backup.sh
+### user name recognition at runtime w/ an arbitrary uid - for OpenShift deployments
+ENTRYPOINT [ "/opt/mssql-tools/bin/uid_entrypoint" ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docker/backup.container.utils b/docker/backup.container.utils
index 3bb4115..2fce0c7 100644
--- a/docker/backup.container.utils
+++ b/docker/backup.container.utils
@@ -22,6 +22,16 @@ function isMongo(){
+function isMsSql(){
+ (
+ if isInstalled "sqlcmd"; then
+ return 0
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+ )
function getContainerType(){
local _containerType=${UNKNOWN_DB}
@@ -31,6 +41,8 @@ function getContainerType(){
elif isMongo; then
+ elif isMsSql; then
+ _containerType=${MSSQL_DB}
diff --git a/docker/backup.mssql.plugin b/docker/backup.mssql.plugin
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9bbc3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/backup.mssql.plugin
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+# =================================================================================================================
+# MSSQL Backup and Restore Functions:
+# - Dynamically loaded as a plug-in
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+export serverDataDirectory="/var/opt/mssql/data"
+function onBackupDatabase(){
+ (
+ local OPTIND
+ local unset flags
+ while getopts : FLAG; do
+ case $FLAG in
+ ? ) flags+="-${OPTARG} ";;
+ esac
+ done
+ shift $((OPTIND-1))
+ _databaseSpec=${1}
+ _backupFile=${2}
+ _hostname=$(getHostname ${_databaseSpec})
+ _database=$(getDatabaseName ${_databaseSpec})
+ _port=$(getPort ${_databaseSpec})
+ _portArg=${_port:+",${_port}"}
+ _username=$(getLocalOrDBUsername ${_databaseSpec} ${_hostname})
+ _password=$(getPassword ${_databaseSpec})
+ echoGreen "Backing up '${_hostname}${_port:+:${_port}}${_database:+/${_database}}' to '${_backupFile}' ..."
+ #TODO: add support for backing up transaction log as well.
+ sqlcmd -S ${_hostname}${_portArg} -U ${_username} -P ${_password} -Q "BACKUP DATABASE ${_database} TO DISK = N'${_fileName}' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10"
+ return ${?}
+ )
+function onRestoreDatabase(){
+ (
+ local OPTIND
+ local unset flags
+ while getopts : FLAG; do
+ case $FLAG in
+ ? ) flags+="-${OPTARG} ";;
+ esac
+ done
+ shift $((OPTIND-1))
+ _databaseSpec=${1}
+ _fileName=${2}
+ _adminPassword=${3}
+ _hostname=$(getHostname ${flags} ${_databaseSpec})
+ _database=$(getDatabaseName ${_databaseSpec})
+ _port=$(getPort ${flags} ${_databaseSpec})
+ _portArg=${_port:+",${_port}"}
+ _username=$(getLocalOrDBUsername ${_databaseSpec} ${_hostname})
+ _password=$(getPassword ${_databaseSpec})
+ echo -e "Restoring '${_fileName}' to '${_hostname}${_port:+:${_port}}${_database:+/${_database}}' ...\n" >&2
+ #force single user mode on database to ensure restore works properly
+ sqlcmd -S ${_hostname}${_portArg} -U ${_username} -P ${_password} -Q "ALTER DATABASE ${_database} SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK AFTER 30;RESTORE DATABASE ${_database} FROM DISK = N'${_fileName}' WITH FILE = 1, NOUNLOAD, REPLACE, STATS=5;ALTER DATABASE ${_database} SET MULTI_USER"
+ return ${?}
+ )
+function onStartServer(){
+ (
+ local OPTIND
+ local unset flags
+ while getopts : FLAG; do
+ case $FLAG in
+ ? ) flags+="-${OPTARG} ";;
+ esac
+ done
+ shift $((OPTIND-1))
+ _databaseSpec=${1}
+ /opt/mssql/bin/sqlservr --accept-eula &
+ )
+function onStopServer(){
+ (
+ local OPTIND
+ local unset flags
+ while getopts : FLAG; do
+ case $FLAG in
+ ? ) flags+="-${OPTARG} ";;
+ esac
+ done
+ shift $((OPTIND-1))
+ _hostname=$(getHostname ${flags} ${_databaseSpec})
+ _port=$(getPort ${flags} ${_databaseSpec})
+ _portArg=${_port:+",${_port}"}
+ _username=$(getLocalOrDBUsername ${_databaseSpec} ${_hostname})
+ _password=$(getPassword ${_databaseSpec})
+ sqlcmd -S ${_hostname}${_portArg} -U ${_username} -P ${_password} -Q "SHUTDOWN"
+ )
+function onCleanup(){
+ (
+ if ! dirIsEmpty ${serverDataDirectory}; then
+ # Delete the database files and configuration
+ echo -e "Cleaning up ...\n" >&2
+ rm -rf ${serverDataDirectory}/*
+ else
+ echo -e "Already clean ...\n" >&2
+ fi
+ )
+function onPingDbServer(){
+ (
+ local OPTIND
+ local unset flags
+ while getopts : FLAG; do
+ case $FLAG in
+ ? ) flags+="-${OPTARG} ";;
+ esac
+ done
+ shift $((OPTIND-1))
+ _databaseSpec=${1}
+ _hostname=$(getHostname ${flags} ${_databaseSpec})
+ _database=$(getDatabaseName ${_databaseSpec})
+ _port=$(getPort ${flags} ${_databaseSpec})
+ _portArg=${_port:+",${_port}"}
+ _username=$(getLocalOrDBUsername ${_databaseSpec} ${_hostname})
+ _password=$(getPassword ${_databaseSpec})
+ if sqlcmd -S ${_hostname}${_portArg} -U ${_username} -P ${_password} -Q "SELECT 1" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ return 0
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+ )
+function onVerifyBackup(){
+ (
+ local OPTIND
+ local unset flags
+ while getopts : FLAG; do
+ case $FLAG in
+ ? ) flags+="-${OPTARG} ";;
+ esac
+ done
+ shift $((OPTIND-1))
+ _databaseSpec=${1}
+ _hostname=$(getHostname -l ${_databaseSpec})
+ _database=$(getDatabaseName ${_databaseSpec})
+ _port=$(getPort -l ${_databaseSpec})
+ _portArg=${_port:+",${_port}"}
+ _username=$(getLocalOrDBUsername ${_databaseSpec} ${_hostname})
+ _password=$(getPassword ${_databaseSpec})
+ tables=$(sqlcmd -S ${_hostname}${_portArg} -U ${_username} -P ${_password} -d ${_database} -Q "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE TABLE_CATALOG = '${_database}' AND table_type='BASE TABLE';")
+ rtnCd=${?}
+ # Get the size of the restored database
+ if (( ${rtnCd} == 0 )); then
+ size=$(getDbSize -l "${_databaseSpec}")
+ rtnCd=${?}
+ fi
+ if (( ${rtnCd} == 0 )); then
+ numResults=$(echo "${tables}"| wc -l)
+ if [[ ! -z "${tables}" ]] && (( numResults >= 1 )); then
+ # All good
+ verificationLog="\nThe restored database contained ${numResults} tables, and is ${size} in size."
+ else
+ # Not so good
+ verificationLog="\nNo tables were found in the restored database ${_database}."
+ rtnCd="3"
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo ${verificationLog}
+ return ${rtnCd}
+ )
+function onGetDbSize(){
+ (
+ local OPTIND
+ local unset flags
+ while getopts : FLAG; do
+ case $FLAG in
+ ? ) flags+="-${OPTARG} ";;
+ esac
+ done
+ shift $((OPTIND-1))
+ _databaseSpec=${1}
+ _hostname=$(getHostname ${flags} ${_databaseSpec})
+ _database=$(getDatabaseName ${_databaseSpec})
+ _port=$(getPort ${flags} ${_databaseSpec})
+ _portArg=${_port:+",${_port}"}
+ _username=$(getLocalOrDBUsername ${_databaseSpec} ${_hostname})
+ _password=$(getPassword ${_databaseSpec})
+ size=$(sqlcmd -S ${_hostname}${_portArg} -U ${_username} -P ${_password} -d ${_database} -Q "SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR,SUM(size)*8/1024)+' MB' AS 'size' FROM sys.master_files m INNER JOIN sys.databases d ON d.database_id = m.database_id WHERE d.name = '${_database}' AND m.type_desc = 'ROWS' GROUP BY d.name")
+ rtnCd=${?}
+ echo ${size}
+ return ${rtnCd}
+ )
+function getLocalOrDBUsername(){
+ (
+ _databaseSpec=${1}
+ _localhost=""
+ _hostname=${2}
+ if [ "$_hostname" == "$_localhost" ]; then
+ _username=sa
+ else
+ _username=$(getUsername ${_databaseSpec})
+ fi
+ echo ${_username}
+ )
+# =================================================================================================================
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docker/backup.settings b/docker/backup.settings
index 7de738c..deb5d4f 100644
--- a/docker/backup.settings
+++ b/docker/backup.settings
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ export PRUNE="prune"
export UNKNOWN_DB="null"
export MONGO_DB="mongo"
export POSTGRE_DB="postgres"
+export MSSQL_DB="mssql"
export CONTAINER_TYPE="$(getContainerType)"
# Other:
diff --git a/docker/backup.usage b/docker/backup.usage
index 32238fd..05f092e 100644
--- a/docker/backup.usage
+++ b/docker/backup.usage
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
function usage () {
cat <<-EOF
- Automated backup script for PostgreSQL and MongoDB databases.
+ Automated backup script for PostgreSQL, MongoDB and MSSQL databases.
There are two modes of scheduling backups:
- Cron Mode:
diff --git a/docker/uid_entrypoint b/docker/uid_entrypoint
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba474c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/uid_entrypoint
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+if ! whoami &> /dev/null; then
+ if [ -w /etc/passwd ]; then
+ echo "${USER_NAME:-sqlservr}:x:$(id -u):0:${USER_NAME:-sqlservr} user:${HOME}:/sbin/nologin" >> /etc/passwd
+ fi
+exec "$@"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openshift/templates/backup/backup-build.json b/openshift/templates/backup/backup-build.json
index 89f4b05..9e8d0ca 100644
--- a/openshift/templates/backup/backup-build.json
+++ b/openshift/templates/backup/backup-build.json
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
"name": "NAME",
"displayName": "Name",
- "description": "The name assigned to all of the resources. Use 'backup-postgres' for Postgres builds or 'backup-mongo' for MongoDB builds.",
+ "description": "The name assigned to all of the resources. Use 'backup-{database name}' depending on your database provider",
"required": true,
"value": "backup-postgres"
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
"displayName": "Docker File",
- "description": "The path and file of the docker file defining the build. Choose either 'Dockerfile' for Postgres builds or 'Dockerfile_Mongo' for MongoDB builds.",
+ "description": "The path and file of the docker file defining the build. Choose either 'Dockerfile' for Postgres builds or 'Dockerfile_Mongo' for MongoDB builds or 'Dockerfile_MSSQL' for MSSQL builds.",
"required": false,
"value": "Dockerfile"
diff --git a/openshift/templates/backup/backup-deploy.json b/openshift/templates/backup/backup-deploy.json
index 3cbe6cd..4b55673 100644
--- a/openshift/templates/backup/backup-deploy.json
+++ b/openshift/templates/backup/backup-deploy.json
@@ -289,14 +289,14 @@
"name": "NAME",
"displayName": "Name",
- "description": "The name assigned to all of the resources. Use 'backup-postgres' for Postgres deployments or 'backup-mongo' for MongoDB deployments.",
+ "description": "The name assigned to all of the resources. Use 'backup-{database name}' depending on your database provider",
"required": true,
"value": "backup-postgres"
"displayName": "Source Image Name",
- "description": "The name of the image to use for this resource. Use 'backup-postgres' for Postgres deployments or 'backup-mongo' for MongoDB deployments.",
+ "description": "The name of the image to use for this resource. Use 'backup-{database name}' depending on your database provider",
"required": true,
"value": "backup-postgres"
@@ -356,6 +356,12 @@
"required": true,
"value": "database-password"
+ {
+ "name": "MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD",
+ "displayName": "MSSQL SA Password",
+ "description": "The database password to use for the local backup database.",
+ "required": false
+ },
"name": "TABLE_SCHEMA",
"displayName": "Table Schema",
@@ -527,7 +533,7 @@
"displayName": "Verification Volume Mount Path",
- "description": "The path on which to mount the verification volume. This is used by the database server to contain the database configuration and data files. For Mongo, please use /var/lib/mongodb/data",
+ "description": "The path on which to mount the verification volume. This is used by the database server to contain the database configuration and data files. For Mongo, please use /var/lib/mongodb/data . For MSSQL, please use /var/opt/mssql/data",
"required": true,
"value": "/var/lib/pgsql/data"