Monorepo for website. Installation is to an Ubuntu server instance configured by Terraform with Dokku providing a PaaS instance which the Rails instance is run on.
The repository is for reference and the code is heavily rebased which will make the commits impossibly clean but a useful reference when developing a new website.
The following commit message symbols are used:
+ adding
^ changing
- removing
Ansible script provisions the server with systems required to run Rails 6 app on Dokku. While final deployment is to Dokku it would work by deploying to Heroku.
Bash scripts used to wrap common complicated commands.
Artwork masters for the website. Designs are in Affinity Designer format.
Rails monolith for the website.
Terraform configuration is specific for a single cloud provider. Only would be required if you needed to automate the creation of the Ubuntu server. Otherwise it can be ignored.
- Create new server by environment
- Provision with Ansible playbook
- Deploy code
- Provision with Ansible playbook (Required for SSL)
Which gives:
bin/clean -p
bin/run -p -a
# Update DNS if ip addresses have changed
bin/ansible-playbook -p
bin/deploy -p
bin/ansible-playbook -p -t ssl
- Destroy server by environment (development/staging/production)
- Remove ssh keys associated with the server name or ip address
- Clear DNS cache (Mac OS code)
Which gives:
bin/terraform -d production
bin/clean -p
sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder